After roughly one month on a diet of mostly keto (some fish, some veggies), I find myself wondering if this diet is sustainable. After all, I have a lot of things happening in life that I’d rather be spending my time considering. I don’t expect the weight loss I’ve achieved to stick forever, and I’m trying to be cautious when it comes to my overall health.
For years I have been following a ketogenic diet and have been able to stay in ketosis for over a month. I’ve also been able to lose weight without any calorie restrictions and haven’t had any issues with over eating. But when I heard about intermittent fasting becoming popular in health circles, I decided to try it out.
As I have been following a very strict diet for both health and aesthetics, I wondered whether it was safe to stay in ketosis after I had fasted for 4 days. In order to help you get into ketosis, you’ll need to keep your carbs very low. This means consuming fat and protein to fill your caloric needs, and then the carbohydrates will be used to fuel your body.
The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carb diet, however some people like to keep their carbs up to achieve their desired weight.. Read more about how long can your body stay in ketosis and let us know what you think. As you may know, the ketogenic diet is an eating plan that is very popular today.
However, the diet is also known as the keto diet, or high-fat diet. The diet involves a low-carb, high-fat diet, which is intended to put the body into a state of ketosis. As for the amount of calories, it is usually between 50 and 75% of your daily calories. The ketogenic diet, or keto, is a low-carb diet that limits the amount of carbohydrates your body can access.
When carbohydrates are limited, the body begins to burn fat for fuel, says Tara Gidus, R.D., a registered dietitian in New York City. This fuel source works differently than glucose, which feeds the body’s cells. Glucose is a simple sugar that enters the body’s cells and is used for energy. Ketones, on the other hand, are made by the body. As the body starts to burn fat instead of glucose, it produces these ketones, which are then excreted into the urine.
Is it really possible to remain in ketosis indefinitely? When I’m dieting, why doesn’t the scale move? What about weight loss and age?
In this week’s conversation with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, read the answers:
Is it possible to remain in ketosis indefinitely?

In the documentary The Skinny on Fat, one of the experts said that being in ketosis forever is not healthy. Is that correct? Or did I get it wrong?
There is no proof that it is long-term healthful. Most individuals, however, move in and out of ketosis since staying in severe ketosis for an extended period of time is very difficult. So, if being in ketosis indefinitely has unknown side effects, it’s unlikely that many individuals will be aware of them.
Read this guide to discover more about all the misconceptions and unjustified concerns around the keto diet:
Low-carb and ketogenic diet myths and anxieties

Andreas Eenfeldt, please accept my heartfelt greetings.
Why don’t I just give up?
I’m perplexed. I eat according to the meal plans and haven’t gained any weight. The scale doesn’t move, or if it does, it moves up, not down, despite the fact that my physique has altered as shown by the photos I take. I’m completely perplexed! Please assist me!
Good day, Leiha. It’s a positive indication if your body is changing. My suggestion is to keep your carbohydrates low, then make sure you’re not eating more fat than you need to feel satisfied after meals, and lastly, think about including interval fasting.
If you need additional advice, you may find it here:
- How to Drop Pounds
- Top 10 low-carb weight-loss strategies for women in their forties and fifties
- Andreas Eenfeldt, please accept my heartfelt greetings.
After 4 months on the keto diet, I’ve lost a lot of hair

Hello, Dr. Andreas. After 4 months on the keto diet, I lost a lot of hair, which is extremely concerning for a healthy 46-year-old lady. I’m not on the keto diet to lose weight; instead, I’m on it to get rid of bodily pains since I have a lot of inflammation or quickly acquire muscular inflammation from exercise.
Even though I was drinking bone broth and plenty of kelp at least twice a week, I had to quit the keto diet owing to significant hair loss. Could you please advise me on what I should do? Because I’m on vacation, I’ve been back on my normal high-carb diet for a few weeks, and the hair loss has stopped.
Will I lose a lot of hair again if I return to the keto diet after one or two days of fasting, or will it start again after four months?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Kami Hi, Kami, Hair loss after four months is fairly unusual, and it is generally just temporary, with complete return.
Additional information may be found here:
- Hair loss that is just temporary
- Andreas Eenfeldt, please accept my heartfelt greetings.
Is there a link between age and weight loss on the keto diet?
I’ve been on the keto diet for more than three weeks and have been in mild to moderate ketosis for that time. To alleviate nighttime cramping in my feet and toes, I upped my salt intake and supplemented with magnesium.
Despite the fact that I can tell that I have less fat on my body, I have not lost weight. For the last three weeks, I’ve been fasting 16 to 18 hours each day. I’d want to reduce my weight by 20 pounds. I’ve seen quite a few vids. I’m a 73-year-old woman. Is it possible that my inability to lose weight is due to my age? Do you have any recommendations?
Wanda, hello! Yes, reducing weight becomes more difficult as you grow older, particularly for women. Of course, it’s unjust. You seem to be doing a lot of things correctly, but you may find some helpful hints below that go beyond perseverance:
- How to Drop Pounds
- Top 10 low-carb weight-loss strategies for women in their forties and fifties
- Andreas Eenfeldt, please accept my heartfelt greetings.
More information
- Beginner’s Guide to Keto
- Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting
- How to Drop Pounds
Other inquiries and responses
There will be a lot of questions and answers after that:
Low Carbohydrate Diet Questions and Answers Ketosis (sometimes called ketoacidosis) is a condition in which the body produces too many ketone bodies—the byproducts of fat metabolism—and is unable to produce enough glucose from other sources. Your body burns fat to stay alive.
In a healthy person, the body can burn fat and produce glucose for energy. When you don’t have enough glucose to meet the body’s energy needs, it breaks down fat for energy instead. When the fat gets used up, the body begins to break down muscle and other tissue to produce more glucose.
This is called starvation ketosis. In a healthy person, the body normally switches back and forth between the two states, with ketosis. Read more about how to stay in ketosis overnight and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you stay in ketosis indefinitely?
Yes, you can stay in ketosis indefinitely if you are willing to eat a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in fat.
How long is too long to stay in ketosis?
This is a question that cannot be answered with any certainty. The best way to find out how long you should stay in ketosis is to experiment with it and see what works for you.
Is it bad to be in ketosis for a long time?
It is not bad to be in ketosis for a long time, but it can be dangerous if you are not careful.