Fitness fanatic! How to tell people what you’re up to without sounding crazy. |


At first glance, being a fitness fanatic seems like an extreme way to spend one’s time, but what if you told people you’re doing a workout plan every single day? Wouldn’t that sound crazy? And yet, that’s exactly what fitness fanatic does! They have the hardest workouts, the highest-calorie diets, and the most ridiculous fitness gear. Fitness maniacs are often viewed as obsessive, obsessive, and my personal favorite, crazy . But, are they really?

When you tell someone you are a fitness fanatic, they may think you are crazy. But, it could be that you are a fitness fanatic who wants to try something new, something fun, something healthy. If you are looking for a place to start, you can find yourself in a lot of trouble. People generally don’t react well when they find out you are really into fitness, and fitness is always a passion that people love to judge.

Here are some tips for people who are just beginning to explore different types of exercise.

People are going to have questions. So, without seeming insane, how do you define your food habits, exercise habits, and healthy lifestyle?

Maybe you’ve always been the “healthy one” in your social circle. Perhaps you’re new to fitness and trying to make better choices.

In either case, people will undoubtedly inquire as to how you retain your energy and attention.

Meanwhile, you might be pondering some of your own concerns:

  • How can I explain this in a way that people would understand?
  • Instead of turning them off, how can I assist them in moving forward?

We’ll go over a few tactics that have worked for us in this article (and our clients). They might work for you as well.


You and a coworker enter the elevator together. “Hey, you’re looking wonderful these days,” she remarks. “What exactly are you doing?”

Your brother hasn’t seen you in a long time. When you pay him a visit, he requests for your assistance in shifting furnishings. You lift the huge wood table up the stairwell by yourself, scarcely breathing. His brow furrows. “What happened, Bones?”

(Since you were six, he’s dubbed you Bones.)

You assemble with family you haven’t seen in a long time around the Christmas meal. Auntie sighs and uncomfortably shifts. Her hips ached. “I have to shed this weight,” she says. My doctor has diagnosed me as pre-diabetic.” She casts a glance at you. “OK, tell me how you got rid of all that fat.”


You begin to say, “I modified my daily practices.” Alternatively, I enrolled in a coaching program.

Then you come to a halt.

Because… what’s the best way to put it?

How can you explain what you’re doing to Shavonne from Accounting, Big Brother Sanjay, and Auntie Esther in a way that they comprehend before they lose interest?

And how can you explain what you’re not doing, such as going on another diet, driving yourself insane, reducing your intake, eating strange foods, yo-yo dieting, or having a boot camp teacher yell at you?

Whether you’re following or not, whether you’re a member of PN Coaching or not, the problem remains the same if you live a healthy lifestyle.

To friends, family, and strangers, how do you explain your choices?

(In a way that propels them ahead rather than shutting them down?)

Given that diet is the foundation of good health, it’s tempting to begin here:

“I don’t subscribe to any trendy diets.”

That is correct. At least, that’s our hope.

(In case you’re curious, here are our thoughts on fad diets.)

However, if you’ve ever attempted it, you’ll know that your listener’s eyes glaze over. Because, let’s be honest, everyone says it. Even those who adhere to fad diets!

“I don’t consume pre-portioned meals that have been pre-packaged. I don’t weigh myself on a daily basis. I don’t go to the gym half the time.”

This is also true.

But how can you describe something solely by what it isn’t?

That’s the equivalent of saying your car isn’t a turtle or your eyeball isn’t a fingernail. It contains no information on driving or seeing.

It also leaves your listener in the same position as when you started.

This is where you may begin to feel stifled.

You might even be concerned that you’ve offended your listener. Because when someone asks for aid and does not receive it, despair is almost unavoidable.

And, to be honest, if your purpose is to help others have better, richer, healthier lives, that stinks.

Fortunately, there is another option.

We’ve noticed something, and we’d want to share it with you. People don’t need to hear too much about what they shouldn’t do or don’t have to do in order to go forward.

People need to hear about what they can do in order to go forward, and then they need to practice.

Let’s make that notion a reality right now for you.

“Explaining this is difficult.”

At, we believe in starting with the truth. We’re about to mention something that may come out as shocking.

This disclaimer gives us time and compassion from the audience. People give us a few additional moments to think of something to say. They no longer expect perfection.

Because here’s a little known fact:

They’re struggling, too, whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, or strangers.

They, too, are yearning for something they can’t articulate.

They want to be happier. You’ve improved your appearance. Improve your performance. Better get out of bed. Better digestion. Live a better life.

We all have a profound and often inexpressible longing for a better life and health.

It manifests itself in our brain as primitive, primal, barely conscious thoughts.

My desire did not cause as much pain.

Me, I want to be beautiful.

Me, I desire a boy or a girl who is similar to me.

Me, I want to be powerful.

Me, I’d like to be fine.

I’m looking for a change.

This isn’t the kind of sensible thinking we’re looking for. But they’re genuine feelings. Primal. Emotional.

That is why it is so beneficial to begin with honesty. It appeals to a hidden portion of those who, like you, have a huge goal.

And once you’ve made touch with a huge dream, you’ll be able to make a big claim.

Then we say something completely ridiculous.

“It’s difficult to describe… However, it goes beyond nutrition and exercise. It’s about transitioning through life.”

This is a significant deal for us. Take a moment to look our listener in the eyes. This statement has my whole commitment.

For a brief period, they believe we are insane. As in, “Huh?” Is it true that they just said “life change”?

However, if we deliver the statement with just the proper amount of wait after delivering the coolness bomb, people begin to believe it is conceivable.

(After all, you merely tapped into their brain’s desire for change.)

“Have you ever noticed how people strive to alter everything all at once? That’s the polar opposite of this.”

That’ll be the next step. And they’ll figure it out. They’ve already done it, just as you have.

They’ve dreamt of 5 a.m. runs, a broccoli-only diet, and a late-night infomercial ab gizmo.

And I’ve never done it before. Exactly like you. Just like the rest of us.

Because not only was the plan clearly impractical, but they were also attempting to carry it out on their own.

“It all comes down to regular routines. Little by little, things are changing. “It’s small stuff, but it’s strategic.”

Then set an example for them.

“For example, do you recall how I used to accomplish X?

Instead, over the course of a few weeks, I gradually changed things so that I now do Y.

My coach provided me with numerous suggestions for achieving Y. He/she was fantastic!

It was a breeze to do it that way.

I didn’t even realize I was doing Y instead towards the end of those weeks!

I no longer have to think about doing them!

PN only offered me another habit to try once I got the hang of Y.”

And this is where you may drop the mathematical bombshell. Take a seat and consider your options.

“Let’s assume you modify one tiny behavior every two weeks,” says the author.

There are 52 weeks in a year, so you can easily change 26 things.

Isn’t it cool?”

Now wait.

Allow that to sink in.

Allow that to reverberate in their heads.

Then finish them out with the final shot.

“Just for fun, let me ask you: What would YOU try changing?”

It’s now up to them. Allow them to let their imaginations run wild.

“Let’s begin with a simple task. It’s really little. What would YOU do in this situation?”

Pay attention and nod.

Expression for a distant look in their eyes that indicates they’re daydreaming about a healthier, better, fitter, and more fantastic version of themselves. Taking it into account, it’s doable.

Allow them to daydream a little.

It makes no difference what they say or whether they believe they can achieve it today. (In fact, they are unlikely to believe they can.) Just as you didn’t believe you could back then.)

The fact that you’ve unlocked the dream is all that matters.

They aren’t going to “get it” right immediately. That’s OK.

There’s no need to haste. It takes time for things to change. (Remember?)

They can see how great you are. The seed has now been planted.

You don’t need to debate, persuade, cajole, or entice anyone.

You are not required to be a “expert” or to offer any advice or solutions.

Telling people to change isn’t going to work.

(This makes your job a lot easier.) It’s not necessary to tell individuals to change.)

Simply be the change you want to see in the world.

Keep doing your amazing work, for example, if you’re a PN certified coach. One habit at a time, assist folks.

Stay patient and persistent if you’re new to PN. Try something new, such as one of our free courses. Have fun with it. Come meet the locals in our Member Zone. Pick up a copy of Gourmet Nutrition and try out some of the recipes. Say hello to someone in the gym with a smile.

Keep showing up if you’re a client in one of our coaching programs. Maintain your routine. Continue to share what you’ve learned with your loved ones. (We’ve discovered that many classes are excellent conversation starters!)

Consider furthering your interest in coaching if you’ve completed a coaching program. Enroll in our PN training program. Offer to assist someone else who is undergoing coaching.

Simply be the change you want to see in the world. 

Because, whatever and whatever you are, and whatever stage of your trip you’re on:

You have a lot of power.

You have the power to make a difference. You can also assist others.

Please spread the word. It’s time to pay it forward. Make contact. Give freely of your time and goodwill. Let us know about your experience, whatever it is.

Pay attention and empathize.

Ignore others’ arguments about why they can’t or won’t change right now. If they’re talking about change, it suggests they’re thinking about it.

Assist them in their dreams. This is where the seeds of transformation begin to germinate.

“I wish I could X, but I can’t,” your pal says.

“Oh yeah, X would be cool,” you say. What is it about X that appeals to you?”

“Sure, Y is simple for you,” your friend says. “However, not for me.”

“I completely understand,” you say. I never imagined I’d be able to Y. In a million years, no way! You should have seen me when I tried Y for the first time.”

“I really want to start Z,” your friend says, “but no one wants to go with me.”

“I’m free on Tuesday, and there’s a class at the rec center,” you say. “Would you like to try it with me?”

“Hey, you’re looking amazing these days,” your pal says. “What exactly are you doing?”

“Oh, just a few little tweaks, one at a time,” you say. I’m getting some coaching as well, and it’s incredibly beneficial!”

“I need to lose weight,” your pal says. My doctor has diagnosed me as pre-diabetic.”

“Wow, that’s got to be a little scary,” you say. I’m sure many others in my coaching group were in the same boat as me. It was actually rather fascinating to watch how the PN habits aided them without them even realizing it. Some of them even stopped taking their medications.”

“Hey Bones, what happened?” says your friend.

Flex and smile at yourself. “You’re right, buddy. In a few months, I’ll kick your ass. “It’s time for you to pick up your game.”

You are the catalyst for change.

One individual at a time, one habit at a time It’s entirely up to you.

It’s enjoyable to dream large. It’s also enjoyable to assist others in doing so.

This is your cheat sheet.

Here’s a simple guide to talking about lifestyle change in general, and PN coaching in particular:

  • To begin, set the scene: “It’s difficult to describe because it’s not what you’d expect.”

  • Rather of focusing on “a diet plan” or “a workout,” focus on behavior change: “It’s about altering one’s way of life and habits.”

  • Accept “the polar opposite” of what’s expected: “Instead of altering everything at once for clients, they change one little item at a time.” You work on one minor habit at a time until you master it. And it’s not a one-time occurrence. It’s all part of a system.”

  • Allow them to dream a little: “I’m curious what you would change if you could make one modest adjustment.” It’s always entertaining to ask them this question!

  • Listen, empathize, and be compassionate: “I see what you mean. It was difficult for me as well.”

  • Build a tribe: “Working with a coach or a group of people who are doing the same thing as you is extremely beneficial.” If you’d like, I’d be pleased to assist you in getting started.”

Of course, if you need a helping hand, consider PN Coaching.

Do you want to be the healthiest, fittest, and strongest version of yourself?

Most people are aware that getting enough exercise, eating well, sleeping well, and managing stress are all vital for looking and feeling better. However, they require assistance in putting that information into practice in the context of their hectic, sometimes stressful lives.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve used the Coaching technique to assist over 100,000 people lose weight, gain strength, and improve their health… for the long haul… no matter what obstacles they face.

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Interested in becoming a coach? Join the presale list to save up to 54% and get a spot 24 hours before the general public.

On Wednesday, July 14th, 2023, we will be accepting applications for our upcoming Coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, I recommend signing up for our presale list below. Being on the list provides you with two distinct benefits.

  • You’ll get a better deal than everyone else. We like to reward the folks that are the most enthusiastic and motivated since they always make the best customers. If you join the presale list, you’ll save up to 54% off the general public pricing, the lowest we’ve ever offered.
  • You’ll have a better chance of getting a spot. We only open the program twice a year to ensure that clients receive the special care and attention they need. We sold out in minutes the last time we started registration. By signing up for the presale list, you’ll be able to register 24 hours before the general public, enhancing your chances of getting in.

This is your chance to transform your body and your life with the guidance of the world’s greatest instructors.

[Note: If you currently have your health and fitness under control but want to help others, look into our Level 1 Certification program.]



When you’re a fitness fanatic, and you’re proud of your accomplishments, it can be hard to explain why you’re doing so much for yourself. “I can’t help it,” you say. “It’s a compulsion.” But if your friends or family members wonder what you’re up to, and you don’t know how to explain things to them without sounding crazy, then here are some tips on how to be clear and honest without being creepy.. Read more about fitness freak and let us know what you think.

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Choosing Real Money Slots In Online Casino Canada


The first step you need to do when gambling is to understand the risks. When you are betting real money, your stakes can be substantial, and you have a good chance of losing it. However, there are also many different real money gambling options available, which means there are several ways you can protect your money.

We have been living in a vacuum since we entered the online casino industry, and it has been a wonderful experience. We have watched the industry grow from a handful of online slots casinos to an industry that has become a mainstay in many casinos. But, like all industries, there has been a “pay to play” debate that was never really resolved. Unfortunately, with the explosion of online casinos, many have entered the “real money” game. There is no doubt that it can be an amazing experience, but are their real money slots fair, or are they really just a different way to play online slots for free?

It is a fact that most online games are not playing against other players, but websites. This means that if you wish to play against other players, you would need to enter a site of online casino Canada. There are many of such sites online where you can make a deposit and play for real money. These sites offer a wide range of slot machines that are well designed to play. The game software has also been upgraded and upgraded to ensure that security is well maintained.

Online casino that is up to date Thousands of real money slots may be found in Canada’s amazing collection. Every week, a dozen new games with unique and interesting features are released. Every month, NetEnt, for example, introduces a new product.

How do you choose the finest real-money slots? If you want to enjoy the game at all times, you must examine your preferences and playing style. Then check out the games in a demo and choose the one that best fits you.

Each slot has its own unique theme, storyline, and gameplay mechanics. What are the selection criteria?


  1. RTP and volatility.
  2. There are a lot of reels and pay lines in this game.
  3. The progressive jackpot is a prize that grows over time.
  4. Bonuses and free spins
  5. Characteristics.
  6. Developers.

Volatility and Return on Investment (ROI) at the finest online casino in Canada

Focusing on RTP and volatility is one method to choose a game at the finest online casino in Canada. These characteristics may be found in descriptions on gaming websites or in specialist information services.

RTP indicates how much money a game returns once all bets have been placed. The greater this value is, the more likely you are to win anything. You shouldn’t expect to receive 95 percent of your money back from a 95 percent slot since the money isn’t distributed equally. However, you will observe that if you play slots with an RTP of 92 percent and 98 percent, you will win more frequently in the later instance.

Variance shows how frequently and how much you win:

  • High volatility means you’ll only win once in a while, but it’ll be a huge one.
  • Low volatility indicates that you will get modest but frequent rewards.

Online casino slots in Canada have a certain number of reels and pay lines.

The number of reels and betways on a slot machine in a real money online casino Canada is a good indication of the game’s important elements.

There are more winning sequences in a game with more reels and pay lines. However, you are compelled to make bigger wagers. Let me give you an example:

  1. Assume that the stake per line is $1.
  2. A stake of 13 = 3 dollars is required for a 3-reel slot with three lines.
  3. A stake of $115 = 15 dollars is required for a 5-reel game with 15 lines.

Yes, games with more pay lines give you a better chance of winning. If you need to extend your bankroll over a lengthy period of time, however, the simplest 3-reel games with the smallest pay line amount are preferable.

Prize is a progressive jackpot that grows over time.

Should you play free slots in order to win real money if you hit the jackpot? There are two types of pot games: progressive and fixed. It can be given out if a specific combination of symbols is received, or it can be completely random.

You may place modest wagers, but you’ll only be able to win the smaller jackpot. To win the most money, you must place the most bets. It is entirely up to you to choose what is best for you.


Other factors to consider while selecting slots at Canada’s finest online casino

Check to see if there are any free spins or promotions on real money free slots. Manufacturers may include free spins in their products, or an online gaming site might provide them.

You may utilize them to reduce the amount of money you spend on your bets. Free spins, respins, and other bonuses allow you to spin the reels without having to place further bets. You may win fantastic rewards if you do so.

Also, pay attention to the suppliers at a real money online casino in Canada. The more options available, the better. YOJU offers over 3000 titles from over 80 different companies. There are also various YOJU Casino Bonuses for you to take advantage of, so have a look. You’re sure to discover what you’re looking for with such a large variety!

It is very important to know how to choose the right online casino to play real money slots in, as this is a big step into the land of bad ideas and irresponsible gambling. Everyone knows that online casinos are a way for you to gamble away your money without any real risk, but when choosing where to play real money slots you must keep this in mind.. Read more about real money online casino canada no deposit bonus and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which online casino has the best payouts in Canada?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” The best online casino in Canada is They have a wide range of games, including slots and table games, as well as the highest payout rates in Canada.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What slots can I play online for real money?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are currently no slots available for real money.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I choose an accurate online casino?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many factors that go into choosing an online casino. These include the type of games offered, the payout percentage, and the number of players who have won there in the past.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Which online casino has the best payouts in Canada?

The best online casino in Canada is They have a wide range of games, including slots and table games, as well as the highest payout rates in Canada.

What slots can I play online for real money?

There are currently no slots available for real money.

How do I choose an accurate online casino?

There are many factors that go into choosing an online casino. These include the type of games offered, the payout percentage, and the number of players who have won there in the past.

Related Tags

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

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  • best online slots
  • online slots real money canada

Your Holiday Survival Guide: The Fitness and Nutrition Edition. 6 proven ways to stick to your plan during the busy party season.


The holidays are coming soon, and for many people, they are the busiest time of the year. If you are not in a festive mood, I have bad news for you: holiday weight gain is a real thing that happens every year. Everyone puts on a few pounds around the holidays and then by the time they are back to their normal routine, they have gained more than they had intended.

Millions of people across the country will be setting their sights on food halls and buffets over the Holiday season, and if you are looking to lose weight or just maintain your new year’s resolution, you need to read this. There are so many different fitness and nutrition programs out there, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which is right for you. To make this easier for you, we have compiled some of the most powerful techniques that have been proven to help you stick to your resolutions.

There is nothing like the holidays to make you realize how far behind you are on the holiday diet and fitness plan. You came into the new year with great intentions, but now you find yourself with only two weeks until Christmas, and it feels like you have been up drinking eggnog and eating cookies all day.. Read more about precision nutrition exercise and let us know what you think.

Decorating for the holidays, gift wrapping, enormous dinners, and particular rituals… Year-end routine disruptors can make it seem as though skipping exercises, snacking, and gaining weight is unavoidable. The good news is that they aren’t required to be.

That’s why I put this Holiday Survival Guide together.

It’s jam-packed with the strategies we use to assist Coaching clients prioritize health, fitness, and nutrition no matter what life throws at us, even the holidays.


It is possible to live a quiet and collected life.

It can also be hectic and stressful (oh hey, 2023).

The latter is nearly always present during the Christmas season.

Indeed, my wife and I have four small children — though it often sounds like 97 — as well as large extended families that like to visit for the holidays (in non-pandemic periods).

You should come view our place.

There are boxes of decorations to hang, bits of craft projects strewn around the house, groceries to put away, meals to make and eat, towels to wash, and some very enthusiastic children to bathe and tuck in for the night.

It’s a lot of fun, and it forces us to change our diet and activity habits.

Nonetheless, we’ve gotten very adept at eating and exercising however we want, even over the holidays, over the years.

(Of course, there are some changes.) And, don’t worry, there will be plenty of Christmas cookies.)

I’ve shared these tips with our Coaching clients to assist them get the most out of their holiday seasons in terms of health and fitness, as well as fun and joy.

I’m excited to share this “Holiday Survival Guide” with you today.

We often suggest that your eating and fitness strategies should be tailored to your busiest days, not just the easiest or most perfect ones.

So, during the Christmas season, utilize these five free, printable infographics (plus one short text) to eat and move more mindfully. No matter how hectic your days are, I assure you’ll feel strong, confident, and in command.

Holiday Survival Tool #1 Article: Eat slowly and to the point of being “satisfied” rather than “full.”


The most effective (and sanity-preserving) holiday eating strategy may also be the most basic: eat slowly. (And instead of “stuffed,” end at “satisfied.”)

For two key reasons, this method assists you in avoiding overeating:

  • Physiological It takes 15-20 minutes for your digestive system to send a signal to your brain that you’re full. Slowing down a meal allows you to accomplish this before overeating.
  • Psychological Slowing down, “sensing into,” and savoring your food allows you to be content with far less. This means you’ll eat less calories yet enjoy your meals more.

Indeed, if you eat slowly (and stop when you’re pleased rather than stuffed), you may enjoy all of Grandma’s delectable meals without feeling guilty or having to “work it off later.”

Check read our comprehensive post on the topic, All about eating slowly, for more information on how (and why) to eat gently during holiday food fests.

Infographic: How to Stay in Shape When You’re Busy (Holiday Survival Tool #2)


One of the most prevalent themes we find among new Coaching customers is that people who want to get (or stay) fit may exercise religiously for months, only to be derailed by the holidays and “fall off the wagon” for the entire year.

That’s why we created this simple workout that you can do wherever you are during the holidays.

This plan takes only a few minutes per day, requires little to no equipment, and concentrates on compound exercise (large muscles, large motions), making it ideal for times you need a decent workout but don’t have a lot of time.

Check out How to Stay in Shape When You’re Busy [Infographic] for simple, efficient workouts this holiday season.

Holiday Survival Tool #3: Eating Well on the Go Infographic


Most people are bouncing around more than normal around the end of the year, between errands, tasks, and special rituals.

It can feel like navigating a nutritional minefield when you’re on the go: strong hunger signals, junk food all around you, and little time to sit down and eat your veggies.

Of course, it will be difficult, but not impossible. You can eat properly on the go with the right tactics, no matter where your life takes you.

Check out 25 strategies to eat properly on the go [Infographic] to understand how to keep good eating habits while running around this holiday season.

Infographic: How (and why) to Make the Perfect Super Shake (Holiday Survival Tool #4)


What is a Super Shake, exactly? It’s a nutrient-dense, tasty liquid meal that you can make and consume while assisting a 4-year-old with gluing googly eyes to felt reindeer.

Allowing yourself to become overly hungry is one of the most common ways to wind up overdrinking and overeating. Moreover, you may not always have the time to prepare a well-balanced dish of protein, vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats during the holidays.

Super Shakes are both gratifying and nourishing because they contain all four. They’re also quite simple to produce.

Check out How (and why) to Make the Perfect Super Shake [Infographic] for quick, healthful, full, multitasking-friendly liquid meals.

Infographic: The Best Calorie Control Guide (Holiday Survival Tool #5) 1626001625_151_Your-Holiday-Survival-Guide-The-Fitness-and-Nutrition-Edition-6

Do you want to make it through the holidays without feeling drained? Without putting on weight or increasing body fat? All of this is conceivable.

Sure, with all that calorie-dense food in front of you, it’ll be difficult. However, if you eat carefully and pay attention to amounts, your health can withstand another year of Mom’s mostly-butter mashed potatoes and Aunt Marie’s pumpkin bourbon cheesecake.

No, no… Calorie counting is not one of them. Especially at Christmas dinner, this is irritating, impractical, and untrue. Instead, try our “hand measure” method.

Check out The finest calorie control guide [Infographic] to understand how to use your hands to measure the optimal quantities for you.

Infographic: 3 Steps for Preparing (and Loving) Your Vegetables (Holiday Survival Tool #6)


Another good way to avoid gaining weight and body fat over the holidays is to exercise. Vegetables should be consumed in large quantities. They’re nutrient-dense, water-dense, and low in calories, so they’ll keep your energy and mood up for holiday party #17.

The only issue? Many people dislike the taste of vegetables, especially when compared to the highly delicious holiday fare.

That’s why we enlisted the help of our top chefs to devise a simple three-step method for preparing nutritious vegetables in a style that’s delectable enough for a banquet table. Even the most adamant anti-vegetarians have been convinced by them.

Check out these 3 steps for prepping (and loving) your veggies [Infographic] if you want to cook a lot of nutritious, delicious veggies this season.

Do you want to be the healthiest, fittest, and strongest version of yourself?

Most people are aware that getting enough exercise, eating well, sleeping well, and managing stress are all vital for looking and feeling better. However, they require assistance in putting that information into practice in the context of their hectic, sometimes stressful lives.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve used the Coaching technique to assist over 100,000 people lose weight, gain strength, and improve their health… for the long haul… no matter what obstacles they face.

It’s also why, through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs, we teach health, fitness, and wellness professionals how to coach their own clients through similar issues.

Interested in becoming a coach? Join the presale list to save up to 54% and get a spot 24 hours before the general public.

On Wednesday, July 14th, 2023, we will be accepting applications for our upcoming Coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, I recommend signing up for our presale list below. Being on the list provides you with two distinct benefits.

  • You’ll get a better deal than everyone else. We like to reward the folks that are the most enthusiastic and motivated since they always make the best customers. If you join the presale list, you’ll save up to 54% off the general public pricing, the lowest we’ve ever offered.
  • You’ll have a better chance of getting a spot. We only open the program twice a year to ensure that clients receive the special care and attention they need. We sold out in minutes the last time we started registration. By signing up for the presale list, you’ll be able to register 24 hours before the general public, enhancing your chances of getting in.

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Although you may want to skip the party this year, there is no need to skip the gym! The party season is a great time to meet new people, but it also makes it harder to stick to your fitness goals. In this post, we will give you 6 proven ways to keep your weight loss plan on track while attending parties and throwing a few parties of your own!. Read more about precision nutrition quick workout and let us know what you think.

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Can Amazon fulfill Shopify orders?


Over the past several years, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has become one of the most popular online retailers. The company was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and is currently the second most valuable company in the world. Amazon has been able to achieve this success by bringing together the best of two worlds — the world of online commerce and the world of online retail.

As a Shopify user, I’ve always wondered how to get my orders fulfilled by Amazon. I’d heard from friends and coworkers that they could, and that their orders would sometimes arrive before mine. I also knew that Shopify’s fulfillment services are more expensive than Amazon’s. But how, exactly, did they do it?

In this blog post you will learn if Amazon is capable of fulfilling orders from Shopify. You will learn whether or not they have the ability to fulfill orders from Shopify.

E-commerce companies have experienced tremendous development as the number of digital purchasers has increased. As a consequence, there has been a surge in demand for dependable and robust platforms capable of handling thousands of orders at once.


Not to add, Amazon and Shopify are fantastic for entrepreneurs looking to increase their sales. Many individuals benefit from Amazon, but owning your own ecommerce shop allows you to create a revenue empire that will undoubtedly lead to success.

Furthermore, Amazon’s fulfillment service included merchants’ inventory management and monitoring. Yes, it’s difficult, and as a seller, you should concentrate on building your company rather than drowning in spreadsheets.

Many Shopify shop owners are always under pressure to satisfy orders. But did you know that you may take use of Amazon FBA’s capabilities?

Yes, you certainly can!

We’ll walk you through the entire Shopify Amazon Fulfillment tutorial in this post to help you get started selling and fulfilling Shopify orders.

Let’s get started;

Is it feasible to have Amazon fulfill Shopify orders?

Many Shopify shop owners, in fact, ask this question. And the answer is yes in this case. Amazon provides merchants with a multi-channel fulfillment service. It enables users to sell on their own website or via an online marketplace. As a result, MCF allows you to sell goods on Shopify, Etsy, and, of course, Amazon.

It’s essentially a subset of Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon service. As a result, connecting your Shopify shop with MCF allows you to take use of both platforms. In other words, you own a shop, and Amazon handles everything from selecting to packaging to shipping.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Amazon Fulfillment on Shopify

Without a doubt, Amazon merchants have found it simpler to fulfill Shopify sales thanks to the multi-channel fulfillment program. To accomplish so, though, you must first take a few crucial measures. We’ll provide you with a complete guide to Shopify Amazon fulfillment in this post.

Let’s get started;

Create an Amazon seller account and register it.

To get started with Shopify Amazon Fulfillment, you must first establish an Amazon seller account. The next step is to choose a fulfillment program. Create an Amazon FBA account to begin fulfilling orders from Amazon and other sources.

Shopify Store connection with Amazon FBA

After you’ve completed the account settings, the following step is to connect your Shopify store to your Amazon account. However, with Shopify’s built-in FBA connection — MWS – synchronizing is now a breeze. It’s essentially Amazon marketplace web services that enable for multi-channel selling and fulfillment integration.

Calculate Shipping Costs

Shipping costs are critical in online companies, and Shopify Amazon fulfillment is no exception. Amazon, on the other hand, provides three delivery options: standard, expedited, and priority. Despite the fact that you are allowed to establish your own shipping costs, avoid being undercharged. What does this imply? Basically, Amazon has its own fulfillment rates, so set your prices accordingly.

FBA Products to Add

The product listing comes next. Make sure your product information is consistent across both Shopify and Amazon FBA. Including essential information simplifies the shopping experience as well as order fulfillment. You should also make sure that your product price is in harmony. It’s possible using Shopify plugins.

Setup and Process Fulfillment Go live now.

You must choose a fulfillment option when listing your goods. You may either manually or automatically fulfill orders.

In manual fulfilment, you have full control over your shipment and it’s quite easy to track inventory. Furthermore, once you receive a customer’s payment you need to mark the order fulfilled by yourself.

Automatic fulfillment, on the other hand, enables orders to be fulfilled automatically, as the name suggests. As a result, it is simple for you since you do not have to do anything. When the client pays, the order is immediately marked as fulfilled.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Shopify Amazon Fulfillment


Orders are automatically fulfilled.

Sellers may seamlessly fulfill client orders by connecting Shopify with Amazon FBA. It has the potential to save a significant amount of time, energy, and money. It also lowers the likelihood of human mistake.

Shipping is quick and easy.

We can ensure quick and effective delivery of goods to consumers by using FBA fulfillment. It takes an average of 3-5 days to ship, depending on shipping costs. Amazon’s massive warehouses are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide the best possible service to your consumers. As a result, you may establish a strong brand reputation in this manner.

Orders from Amazon and Shopify may be easily synced.

You have full control over your website, products and shipping rates. Whereas Shopify Amazon fulfilment allows easy syncing of both platforms. So, it makes it possible for sellers to own a website and fulfill orders through FBA.


MCF is only active in a few countries.

Retailers may now easily manage and sell across various sales channels thanks to MCF. It does, however, come with certain drawbacks. It is only accessible in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, and Australia, and does not provide worldwide shipping.

Branding is limited.

Everything is handled by Amazon, from packaging to delivery. Because most goods are sent in their own packaging, there will be less possibilities of branding.


Amazon and Shopify are two well-known e-commerce platforms that assist merchants in showcasing their wares. First and foremost, Shopify Amazon fulfillment leverages the potential of both platforms to drive massive income to your company.

Even better, setting up FBA is simple, and it allows sellers to concentrate on their business’s development. When Amazon manages and fulfills your customers’ orders, you don’t have to worry about it.

So this is a question I get often. I still don’t know if my solution is perfect, but I have been using Amazon for my ecommerce store since 2016. Why are some of my products not being ordered on Amazon? Is it because the products are not eligible for Amazon?. Read more about shopify fulfillment service and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you use Shopify on Amazon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Shopify is a platform that allows you to create your own online store. It is not possible to use Shopify on Amazon as it does not support this function.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can Amazon fulfill Shopify orders UK?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Amazon can fulfill orders for UK customers.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Shopify in competition with Amazon?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Shopify is not in competition with Amazon. They are two different companies that offer completely different services and products.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use Shopify on Amazon?

Shopify is a platform that allows you to create your own online store. It is not possible to use Shopify on Amazon as it does not support this function.

Can Amazon fulfill Shopify orders UK?

Amazon can fulfill orders for UK customers.

Is Shopify in competition with Amazon?

Shopify is not in competition with Amazon. They are two different companies that offer completely different services and products.

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  • sell amazon products on shopify
  • how to link shopify to amazon fba
  • amazon multi channel fulfillment shopify
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Research Review: How do omega-3 fatty acids work? |


The omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been the focus of much research over the last few years. DHA is an important component of all of the body’s cell membranes, but DHA’s most important function is to act as a structural component of the brain. DHA is a precursor to a type of cellular membrane in the brain called the phospholipid bilayer.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential part of the human diet. They are often referred to as polyunsaturated fats, and the core omega-3 fatty acid is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is found in foods such as plant and seed oils, including sunflower, flax, soy and hemp oils.

A recent review by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the research on omega-3 fatty acids (fats found in fish, nuts, and some oils) was published in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. The study, conducted by the National Academy of Sciences, was reviewed and published by the NAS on the basis of peer-reviewed research. This review is the first comprehensive review of omega-3 fatty acids in the U.S.

I’m going to make a confession.

I’m a pushy person.

I always recommend omega-3 fatty acids to anyone who would listen.

  • Do you have elbow pain? Take some omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Is there a problem with your memory? Make a mental reminder to take some omega-3s.
  • Are you concerned about heart disease? Take omega-3s, for example.
  • Diabetic? Take omega-3s, for example.
  • Have you been diagnosed with asthma, psoriasis, dyslexia, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, or are you obese? You know what to do, right?

You’re probably scratching your head right now. How can a single vitamin accomplish so much? I’m with you: I quickly dismiss X, Y, or Z medicine, vitamin, or new infomercial cleaner that claims to be able to accomplish practically anything as a fraud.

So, how may omega-3 fatty acids help with all of these issues?

Omega-3 fatty acids are nutritional powerhouses.

Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation

Anti-inflammatory capabilities of omega-3 fatty acids are remarkable.

Now, when I mention “inflammation,” you’re probably thinking of the puffy red kind that happens when you drop something on your toes. Omega-3 fatty acids do aid with inflammation, but they also help with a lot more.

Joint discomfort, heart illness, and autoimmune diseases (asthma, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and so on) are all inflammations, but chronic (long-term) inflammation rather than acute (short-term).

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is not good for us and is a vital component of the healing process. Chronic inflammation is similar to a “broken record” in the body: it gets trapped in a rut of being inflamed, which leads to various issues such as the immune system attacking itself.

Omega-3 fatty acids make us smarter.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for brain cells because they give energy and help to form cell membranes. It should come as no surprise that happier and healthier brain cells lead to improved brain development and function, including memory.

According to one idea, our forefathers ate a lot of fish heavy in omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexanoic acid), which is why we got smarter than our monkey cousins and then started living in condos with iPods and iPhones. (Wait, did it make you smarter?)

Omega-3 fatty acids help us to lose weight.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help us lose weight by improving insulin sensitivity and improving our bodies’ ability to use stored body fat for energy.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of fat that belongs to the omega-3 family.

I’ll give you the Coles Notes on lipids and fatty acid biochemistry before I get into how omega-3 fatty acids can do anything except save your soul (you might need a different sort of oil for that).

Fat: You’ve sliced it off your steak or rubbed it into your stomach, but what exactly is it? Fats are referred to as “lipids” by biochemistry students who want to appear knowledgeable.

They can’t dissolve in water, regardless of their name. Don’t be afraid to give it a shot: Stir a few drops of oil into a glass of water. I’ll be patient.

You didn’t try very hard, did you? Consider using a blender. Success! Or so you believe.

Even if it appears that the oil has dissolved, as in salad dressings, what you’ve done is made the oil droplets so small that you can’t recognize them as large oil droplets. However, they may still be seen under a microscope. (This is known as an emulsion, and it’s how true mayonnaise and possibly Green Goddess dressing are made.)


A delectable emulsion

Triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols are the three forms of lipids found in food. We’ll focus on triglycerides for the time being.


Consider a triglyceride molecule to be a bookcase. Triglycerides have a frame (aka a backbone) called glycerol and three (“tri”) shelves called fatty acids, similar to how a bookcase has a frame and shelves. To form a triglyceride molecule, the three fatty acid “shelves” bind to glycerol.

The fatty acids might be short or long, and they can be more or less saturated, despite the fact that glycerol is the same in every triglyceride molecule (more on that in a bit). If you consider our bookshelf scenario, you can have shelves that only go a quarter, halfway, or all the way across the bookcase, as well as shelves that are thicker or thinner, holding more or less weight.

Another useful analogy is to consider biochemistry in terms of Lego blocks. Different molecules (Lego bricks) adhere to and detach from each other depending on a variety of factors, including what your body requires at any given time. Instead of a space station, a triglyceride molecule is made up of a glycerol brick and three fatty acid bricks.

Fatty acids, both long and short

Fatty acids range in length from less than 6 to more than 22 carbons. Short-chain, medium-chain, long-chain, and very-long-chain are some of the ingenious names for fatty acids of various lengths… Like when you were a kid and wanted a short, medium, long, or super-long Lego brick.

Saturation of fatty acids

A fatty acid might be more or less saturated depending on its length. If I throw you into a pool, your clothes will be saturated – with water. They become hydrogen-saturated when they come into contact with fatty acids.

Understanding how hydrogen bonds to fatty acid molecules is helpful in understanding saturation.

Warning! It’s chemistry 101 time!

Saturation and double bonds

Double bonds will come back to you if you remember your high school chemistry. Carbon atoms have four binding sites, similar to a trailer hitch that allows you to attach something to it. Carbon chains make up the majority of fatty acids. On both sides, each carbon is connected to its neighboring carbon as well as hydrogen. The other two binding sites (where there are no carbons) in saturated fatty acids will bind to hydrogen.

When a carbon atom loses a hydrogen atom, it forms a double bond with an adjacent carbon atom that is also missing a hydrogen atom since it has an additional trailer hitch free. Consider bonds to be rubber resistance bands: the more you have, the stronger they get.

Less hydrogened fatty acids have more double bonds and are less saturated.

  • Monounsaturated fatty acids have two fewer hydrogens and one double bond than saturated fatty acids.
  • There are a few extra hydrogens lacking in polyunsaturated fatty acids (usually between 4 and 6).

It’s crucial to know where these double bonds are on the fatty acid chain.

It’s an omega-6 fatty acid if the last double bond is on the 6th carbon from the end (omega being the last letter of the Greek alphabet). The last double bond in omega-3 fatty acids is the third from the terminal carbon.

Fatty acids that are necessary for life

Our bodies can produce the majority of the fatty acids we require, but we cannot produce two critical fatty acids: linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) (ALA).

Linoleic acid is an omega-6 fatty acid (18 carbons, 2 double bonds, last one 6 from the end -18:2n-6), whereas alpha linoleic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid (18 carbons, 2 double bonds, last one 6 from the end -18:2n-6) (18:3n-3).

Figure 1 shows how these two fatty acids can be changed to other fatty acids, including DHA, which we’ll discuss today.

How Do O-3 FAs work Slide 1

Figure 1

See All About Healthy Fats and All About Fish Oil for further information on fatty acids.

Question for investigation

The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are anti-inflammatory and can sensitize cells to insulin, potentially improving and curing diabetes, according to this week’s analysis.

Oh, DY, and others. GPR120 is a receptor for omega-3 fatty acids that has anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties. 142(5):687-98. Cell. 2010 Sep 3;142(5):687-98.


What a stunner!

Taking away what you believe is critical is the simplest approach to figure out how something works. For example, you may not understand how a car works yet believe that spark plugs and seat covers are crucial.

What should I do? The spark plugs are removed. So, what happens next? Your vehicle will not start. As a result, you decide that spark plugs are required to start your vehicle. You remove the seat coverings after replacing the spark plugs. So, what happens next? Because your car starts and everything appears to be in working order, seat covers are not required for it to run.

Mice are usually used in these “how does this work” investigations because you can genetically edit mice by removing something you think is significant. Because you’ve knocked out a gene, it’s called a knock-out mouse. A transgenic mouse is one that has had a gene added to it.

GPR120 is a receptor gene that was knocked off in this investigation (from the G protein-coupled receptor family). Researchers speculated that GPR120 could be an omega-3 sensor because other comparable receptors sense different fatty acids, and GPR120 is found in adipose tissue and immune cells (macrophages), thus location, location, location.

Because inflammation is caused by both fat and macrophages, and omega-3 fatty acids are effective at reducing inflammation, GPR120 could be the key to the process. If GPR120 is critical for omega-3 fatty acids’ anti-inflammatory properties, then removing it would render omega-3 fatty acids ineffective.

As a result, the researchers had their spark plugs and seat covers: half of the mice were normal, while the other half had GPR120. Half of the mice were GPR120 knockouts.

Researchers expected that omega-3 fatty acids would assist normal mice improve inflammation and insulin sensitivity, but that if GPR120 was the only way omega-3 fatty acids worked, they would do nothing for animals without it.

a diet high in fat

The mice were fed a standard high-fat diet for 12 weeks before switching to a comparable high-fat diet with rich omega-3 fatty acids (60 percent fat with 27 percent coming from menhaden fish oil made up of 9 percent DHA and 16 percent EPA). Then they looked at what occurred to the mice, concentrating on immune cells in particular (macrophages).

Results & conclusion

The first thing they discovered was that omega-3 fatty acids increased the production of GPR120 in fat and proinflammatory macrophages, resulting in decreased inflammation (using specific proteins involved in inflammation as indicators).

The mice were obese, with a lot of inflammation and insulin resistance, after a 12-week diet, just like humans.

  • When mice with GPR120 (normal mice) ate omega-3 fatty acids, their inflammation and insulin resistance decreased.
  • Inflammation and insulin resistance were also present in mice lacking GPR120 (knockout mice).

GPR120 is involved in the action of omega-3 fatty acids.

Figure 2 is a simplified schematic of what the researchers believe is going on for clarity’s sake. There are far more proteins and arrows in reality.

Schematic of how DHA through GPR120 is anti-inflammatory. From Figure 3I, Oh 2010.

Figure 2: The anti-inflammatory effects of DHA via GPR120 are depicted schematically. Oh 2010, from Figure 3I.

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, binds to GPR120 and sets off a chain reaction that inhibits inflammatory signals (from TNF-alpha and LPS proteins). Anti-inflammatory drugs usually block one line of dominoes or a small subset of them, but not all of them.

As a result, DHA acts as a large bottleneck, whereas other anti-inflammatory drugs act as minor roadblocks.


Anti-inflammatories from other sources



In conclusion

DHA and EPA are omega-3 fatty acids that operate by blocking inflammatory pathways in the cell. They obstruct not one, but several pathways. The anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 appear to be particularly sensitive to immune cells (macrophages).

As a result, my fondness for omega-3s has been validated.

If you want to understand more, go to Cell’s website and watch the video.

Find out more.

Want to get in the best form of your life and keep it for the rest of your life? Check out the 5-day body transformation programs below.

What’s the best part? They are completely free.

Simply click one of the links below to access the free courses.

When it comes to heart health, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids may be more beneficial than eating fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats found in fatty fish, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fortified foods like eggs, milk, and cereal. When added to food, omega-3 fatty acids are known as omega-3 fatty acids because they are essential to human health. Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in maintaining heart health because they have been shown to improve blood flow to the heart, which reduces the risk of heart disease.. Read more about omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids examples and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do omega-3 fatty acids work?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is found in fish oil, walnuts, and flaxseed. They have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Omega-3 scientifically proven?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Omega-3 is a fatty acid that has been proven to have many health benefits.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Omega-3 actually do anything?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid that can be found in fish oil. It has been shown to have many benefits, such as improving mood and cognitive function.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do omega-3 fatty acids work?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is found in fish oil, walnuts, and flaxseed. They have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Is Omega-3 scientifically proven?

Omega-3 is a fatty acid that has been proven to have many health benefits.

Does Omega-3 actually do anything?

Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid that can be found in fish oil. It has been shown to have many benefits, such as improving mood and cognitive function.

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  • omega-3 fatty acids are important because they
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  • omega 3 fatty acids

Strategies for getting control of stress |


Research shows that stress can influence our bodies in a number of ways. It can increase blood pressure, affect how much weight we gain, and suppressing our immune system. To counteract this, take these steps: 1. Take time to calm your mind and relax. 2. Reduce your stress by learning how to fight stress. 3. Exercise. 4. Get enough sleep. 5. Take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement.

Stress is an annoying thing. It blocks our progress, distracts us from things that need to be done, and can make us depressed. Indeed, some studies have shown that stress can make us fatter. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get rid of stress, so the best way to deal with it is to learn how to deal with stress.

Stress is something that many of us experience, but few of us are able to manage effectively. It can lead to a whole host of problems, from illness to addiction. In fact, many people use stress to justify overindulging in food and drink. There is, of course, a lot of advice out there on how to beat stress. But what we need more of is evidence-based information that will help people to get their lives in order.. Read more about 10 ways to cope with stress and let us know what you think.

Rest and recuperation with a purpose. It’s a crucial component of the fitness equation. But it’s the one that most of us overlook. Stress may be managed by including relaxing, parasympathetic activities.

De-stressing is a skill that can be learned.

This is one of my favorite quotes:

“When you don’t have time to rest, it’s the ideal moment to relax.”

While it’s true that the greatest time to rest is when you don’t have time to relax, most North Americans have the wrong idea about relaxing. Indeed, in North America, our one or two yearly vacations are seen as “time to rest.” Unfortunately, these getaways are in short supply. And, given that most of us spend our vacation days with just as much “things to do” as we do when we’re at home, the key issue is whether we’re really relaxing.

You see, the best approach to relax is to schedule some recuperation time every day. Athletes, interestingly, are the greatest at this. They plan frequent, daily naps and other kinds of relaxation in order to encourage recuperation, even though they train extremely hard and with a high volume. They also ensure that their stress (training) is “cycled” so that they do not burn out. This method may teach us all a valuable lesson!

 An athlete getting some much needed recovery time.

An athlete taking advantage of some much-needed rest.

The physiology of relaxation and stress

So, why do we want to schedule rest time every day? To comprehend this, we must first comprehend something about the human brain. Essentially, one approach to classify our brain activity is to divide it into two categories:

Sympathetic activity is frequently referred to as “fight or flight” activity.

Parasympathetic activity, often known as “rest and digest” activity, is a kind of parasympathetic activity.

As you would expect, most of us are much too “sympathetic.” It may be our jobs, houses, finances, relationships, traffic, or any other stressor that causes us to go into a “fight event flight” mode. Whatever it is, prolonged sympathetic activity results in high amounts of cortisol and adrenaline in the bloodstream, both of which are generated by our adrenal glands (located adjacent to our kidneys).

Our “non-critical” processes are hindered when stress is persistently elevated and the adrenal glands continue to pump cortisol and adrenaline — things like digestion, liver metabolism and detoxification, cellular repair, immunological function, and reproduction.

In essence, we get the following results as a result of many physiological interactions:

1) Insulin resistance and poor blood sugar control

2) Depression, insomnia, and a need for carbohydrates

3) Thyroid conversion is decreased, and metabolism is slowed.

4) Changes in the action of sex hormones

5) Skeletal muscle loss of amino acids

Hormonal chaos, reproductive dysfunction, muscle loss, and fat gain are the end results of all of this. This isn’t something we’re looking for. But, as many people don’t realize, it doesn’t end there. With so much cortisol and adrenaline being produced, the adrenal glands ultimately start to shut down their production. Until chronic exhaustion sets in, that is. The outlook isn’t good.

Rest and recuperation are encouraged.

So, what can we do to avoid a chain reaction of negative stress-related consequences? The important word here is balance. We’ll never be able to eliminate all of our tension. Job, relationships, and so forth. I’m hoping they’ll all stay around. And, to be honest, a certain level of stress is really beneficial to our health. As a result, rather than concentrating on the sympathetic side of the equation, we should concentrate on the parasympathetic side. To put it another way, we need to do more things that assist us develop our own parasympathetic state.

So, what kinds of activities assist us in achieving a condition of peaceful relaxation and recovery? There are many activities that may assist with this.

Yoga and Pilates are two different types of exercise. Certain forms of yoga and Pilates, which have been more popular in recent years, are highly parasympathetic.

Meditation Rest and recuperation are also greatly aided by this kind of exercise.

Treatments at the Spa The deep parasympathetic state is frequently aided by spa treatments.

Jacuzzi/Sauna This may also aid in the fight against stress.

Please don’t misunderstand me. To attain profound relaxation, you don’t need to visit a Tibetan monk, spend thousands of dollars, or even leave your home. The following activities may also be done at home and are effective:

Reading Reading in a peaceful environment 30 minutes before to bedtime

Out-Zoning While sipping hot tea and gazing out the window towards the sunset

Wine and music Before going to bed, I like to have a glass of red wine and listen to music.

Candles and Bath Using candles and taking a bath with Epson salts

To get into this calming, parasympathetic state, I’ve even witnessed a few high-level athletes consume marijuana. This isn’t something I would necessarily advise. However, after speaking with tens of thousands of athletes over the years, I’ve noticed a pattern. Many male strength and power competitors use marijuana in modest doses to help them recuperate.

There are, of course, more effective methods to create a parasympathetic state. But that’s precisely the idea…

Meditation can be an excellent parasympathetic stimulus.

Meditation is a great way to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

It’s all about the condition of affairs.

It’s important to remember that the activity you pick isn’t important. It’s the condition in which you find yourself. While resting in an epson salts bath, one may reach a profound parasympathetic state. Another person may just lie down and ponder about their worries and concerns. It’s the condition, not the action, that’s the problem.

So, each day, select activities that will allow you to receive 30 minutes of calm, relaxing, worry-free parasympathetic activity. That is the most effective method for reducing stress.

What about vitamins and supplements?

Sure, there are vitamins that may aid in the recovery process. And there are a slew of supplement businesses eager to separate you from your cash. However, taking a stress-relieving pill isn’t the greatest approach to deal with stress-related lifestyle issues. You should start with the methods listed above. Then, if required, supplementing may be considered.

Phosphatidylserine is a great supplement for managing cortisol levels and providing a short fix for your lifestyle problems. Click here for a thorough research evaluation of this product.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to learn to include parasympathetic recovery at some point. Phosphatidylserine isn’t going to suffice on its own.

What comes next?

In the stress equation, nutrition and exercise are also essential. A good place to start is with a PN-friendly diet and a mixed-exercise routine. Not only will you be able to avoid stress attacks, but you will also be able to cope with stress more effectively if it does occur.

On the fitness front, I posted a “stress-busting” workout plan in the PN Member Zone. You may read about it here. It’s mainly for those of you who are going through a difficult time.

Workout to De-Stress

And you already know where I’m going with this in terms of nutrition. On the nutrition front, PN V3 offers all you need to know. Here’s where you can buy a copy at a special reduced price:


Finally, keep this in mind. Rest and recuperation are just as essential as what you do in the gym, in the kitchen, and with your supplements. As a result, make sure you receive some parasympathetic activity every day.

Find out more.

Want to be in the greatest form of your life and keep it for the rest of your life? Check out the 5-day body transformation programs below.

What’s the greatest part? They are completely free.

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You can’t control stress. It happens. And it happens when you least expect it. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that two situations that should be fairly normal are causing stress. Things go wrong, and instead of dealing with the situation, we go home and kick back on the couch. Maybe it’s because we’re exhausted and need that break, but even when we don’t need a break, we still tend to slack on the important things. This is stress. It’s the worst.. Read more about how to deal with stress and depression and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are strategies to reduce stress?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many ways to reduce stress. Some people find it helpful to take a break from their busy schedules and do something relaxing, such as taking a walk or reading a book. Other people find that they can relieve stress by talking to friends about what is bothering them.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 5 strategies for managing stress?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” A: -Take a break from your work and play games that you enjoy. -Set aside time for yourself every day to do something that makes you happy. -Find someone who can help with the stress, whether it be talking to them or finding a hobby they share with you. -Learn how to relax your body and mind through meditation. -Try yoga or tai chi”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 4 strategies for managing stress?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many different ways to manage stress. Some people find it helpful to exercise, others might take a walk outside or meditate. Other ways include talking with friends and family members about your feelings or writing in a journal.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are strategies to reduce stress?

There are many ways to reduce stress. Some people find it helpful to take a break from their busy schedules and do something relaxing, such as taking a walk or reading a book. Other people find that they can relieve stress by talking to friends about what is bothering them.

What are 5 strategies for managing stress?

A: -Take a break from your work and play games that you enjoy. -Set aside time for yourself every day to do something that makes you happy. -Find someone who can help with the stress, whether it be talking to them or finding a hobby they share with you. -Learn how to relax your body and mind through meditation. -Try yoga or tai chi

What are 4 strategies for managing stress?

There are many different ways to manage stress. Some people find it helpful to exercise, others might take a walk outside or meditate. Other ways include talking with friends and family members about your feelings or writing in a journal.

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  • what are the five stress management techniques?
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Allegiant Adds 22 New Routes, Expanding Service in 25 Cities


Allegiant Air, the low-fare discount airline, has been in the spotlight lately having launched service to Hawaii this September. The Las Vegas-based carrier, which has since been operating a hub at McCarran International Airport, has added 22 new routes over the past few months. These include stops in Charlotte, N.C., Chicago, Denver, Orlando, Phoenix, Portland and San Diego, and increases in service to 25 cities, including Providence, St. Petersburg, Fort Lauderdale and Cancun.

Allegiant Air has recently announced 22 new nonstop routes in addition to its current network of 25 cities, and growing. The expansion includes routes to cities in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, in addition to its current locations in Boston, New York and Washington, D.C. The new routes include new flights to San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Tampa, Miami, Orlando and Atlanta.

In addition to adding new routes and increasing service, Allegiant Air is also making it easier for travelers to get where they want to go. The carrier recently announced that it is adding 22 new flights and increasing service on 25 existing routes. The new routes include airport locations in California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

headquartered in Las Vegas Allegiant announced the addition of 22 additional nonstop flights to its network, which will serve 25 U.S. destinations. And to celebrate, the ultra-low-cost carrier is giving introductory one-way tickets on these new flights as low as $39.

“Connecting passengers to warmer locations where they can enjoy a range of outdoor leisure activities is a hallmark of Allegiant’s service,” said Drew Wells, Allegiant’s Senior Vice President of Revenue and Network Planning. “And, with this extension, we’re continuing that legacy by providing passengers with additional cheap, nonstop choices to visit Florida, Arizona, and California in the autumn and winter.”


What’s Hot Right Now

small airplane on world map

Allegiant customers, according to Wells, value the ease of being able to travel nonstop, point-to-point without having to deal with the inconvenience of layovers or connecting flights today more than ever. Another selling factor, according to him, is Allegiant’s ability to provide access to smaller, less-congested airports that may have previously had commercial flight service.

If you want to take advantage of Allegiant’s ultra-low-cost introductory prices on the new routes, you’ll have to act quickly since the discount is only valid until August 11. Travel between Las Vegas (LAS) and Destin-Fort Walton Beach (VPS) is eligible until November 14, 2023, while all other routes must be completed by May 17, 2023.

Taxes, carrier fees, and government fees are included in the listed rates, however note that luggage fees may be additional. Seats and dates will be restricted, as they always are, and reduced prices may not be available on all flights.

New flights to Florida’s Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) include:

—Minneapolis, Minnesota (MSP) – starting October 1, 2023, with one-way prices as low as $49.

—McCarran International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas, Nevada – starting October 7, 2023, with one-way tickets as low as $39.

New flights to Arizona’s Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA) include:

Beginning November 18, 2023, one-way tickets to Amarillo, Texas, through Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA) will be as low as $39.

—Flint, Michigan through Flint Bishop International Airport (FNT) – with one-way tickets as low as $59 starting November 18, 2023.

—Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport (SPI) in Springfield, Illinois – starting November 18, 2023, with one-way tickets as low as $59.

—Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) – starting November 18, 2023, with one-way prices as low as $49.

Beginning November 19, 2023, one-way tickets to Orange County, California, through John Wayne Airport (SNA) will be as low as $39.

—Spokane, Washington (GEG) – starting November 22, 2023, with one-way tickets as low as $39.

—Minneapolis, Minneapolis through Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP) – with one-way tickets as low as $49.

The following new routes have been added to Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) in California:

—Des Moines, Iowa (DSM) – starting November 18, 2023, with rates as low as $59.

—Indianapolis, Indiana (IND) – starting November 18, 2023, with tickets as low as $59.

—Provo, Utah through Provo Airport (PVU) – starting November 19, 2023, for as little as $39.

Austin, Texas (Photo courtesy of Roschetzky) Austin, Texas Plus) (IstockPhoto/iStock/Getty Images)

The following are new flights to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) in Texas:

—Punta Gorda, Florida (PGD) – starting November 18, 2023, with one-way prices as low as $49.

—Palm Beach, Florida through Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) – with tickets as low as $49.

The following new routes have been added to Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP) in Minnesota:

—Destin, Florida (VPS) – starting October 1, 2023, with one-way prices as low as $49.

—Mesa, Arizona through Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (AZA) – with one-way tickets as low as $49.

New flights to Florida’s Punta Gorda Airport (PGD) include:

—Bentonville, Arkansas through Northwest Arkansas National Airport (XNA) – with one-way tickets as low as $49.

Beginning November 18, 2023, tickets as low as $49. —Austin, Texas through Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS)

The following are new flights to Utah’s Provo Airport (PVU):

—William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) in Houston, Texas – starting November 18, 2023, with one-way tickets as low as $39.

—Palm Springs, California (PSP) – starting November 19, 2023, with tickets as low as $39.

New flights to California’s John Wayne Airport (SNA) include:

—Mesa, Arizona (AZA) – starting November 19, 2023, with tickets as low as $39.

—Sioux Falls, South Dakota (FSD) – starting November 19, 2023, with one-way tickets as low as $49.

The following new routes have been added to Sioux Falls Regional Airport (FSD) in South Dakota:

Beginning November 19, 2023, one-way tickets to Orange County, California, through John Wayne Airport (SNA) will be as low as $49.

—From December 15, 2023, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida through Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL), with one-way tickets as low as $59.

The following new routes have been added to Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) in Florida:

—Cedar Rapids, Iowa through The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) – with one-way prices as low as $49.

—Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) – starting December 15, 2023, with one-way prices as low as $49.

New flights to Florida’s Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) include:

—Sioux Falls, South Dakota (FSD) – starting December 15, 2023, with tickets as low as $59.

—Harrisburg, Pennsylvania through Harrisburg International Airport (MDT) – with tickets as low as $59 starting December 15, 2023.

—Peoria, Illinois (PIA) – starting December 15, 2023, with tickets as low as $59.

Visit for additional details.

Allegiant Air is a low-cost carrier that emphasizes service and value to air travelers. The carrier offers routes throughout the United States and to several destinations in Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Allegiant Air is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.. Read more about when will allegiant release 2023 flights and let us know what you think.

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This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • allegiant air new routes 2023
  • allegiant seasonal routes 2023
  • new allegiant routes 2023
  • allegiant seasonal routes 2023
  • when will allegiant release 2023 flights

How to read a scientific study, according to science experts


Science is a treasure trove of facts, figures, theories and opinions that everyone from students to the general public are expected to know. But there are so many claims about how to do this or that, how to avoid cancer or how to lose weight. So how do we know what to believe? That’s what this post is about. I’m going to talk to a group of scientists, who’ve all done research on these topics, and ask them what they consider to be the most important pieces of research about how to read scientific studies.

Since science is a highly subjective field, it makes sense that scientists disagree about a myriad of issues. A big part of the reason scientists don’t agree is that they can’t agree on what constitutes proof.

When researching a scientific paper, or when reading a wide variety of scientific research, it can be very difficult to decipher what the facts are and what the evidence actually is. Knowing how to read a scientific study, according to science experts, will help us to separate fact from fiction and to understand what the research actually says.

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Only scientists and unashamed, card-carrying nerds were interested in research twenty-five years ago (like us).

However, no one seems to care what the science says these days. 

As a result, we’re bombarded with dramatic headlines and goods that make bold, “science-backed” claims.

Your clients (and mother) will naturally want to know which ones have merit and which ones do not.

They might be interested in your opinion on a bizarre new diet fad that’s “based on a major study.”

Perhaps they’re even doubting your advice:

  • “Aren’t eggs harmful for you?” you might wonder.
  • “Won’t fruit make me fat?” you might wonder.
  • “Doesn’t microwaving kill the nutrients?” you might wonder.

(It’s a resounding no, no, and no.)

They want to know why you, their health and fitness coach, are more trustworthy than Dr. Oz, Goop, or that ripped social media celebrity they follow (you know, the one with the little blue checkmark).

Learning how to understand scientific data can make these talks easier and more informed for health and fitness coaches.

The more this skill set develops, the better you’ll be able to:

  • Recognize fraudulent claims.
  • Assess the value of fresh research.
  • Give counsel that is based on facts.

Where do you even begin, though?

This step-by-step strategy to reading scientific papers may be found right here. Use it to increase your ability to interpret a study paper, see how it fits into a larger body of work, and discover what your clients can learn from it (and yourself).


Understand what constitutes research and what does not.

People frequently use the phrase “I just finished reading a study.” However, they’ve usually only seen a summary of it in a magazine or on a website.

It’s fine to examine good-quality secondary sources for nutrition and health knowledge if you’re not a scientist. (It’s for this reason that we develop content.) When a client asks for green vegetables, there’s no need to dive into statistical analysis.

However, for certain issues, and especially for new research, you may need to go straight to the source.

Filter your results using the chart below.


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So, where do you look for the genuine research?

It’s relatively straightforward now, thanks to the internet.

When online media outlets report on research, they frequently provide a link to the original study.

If you don’t have the link, look up the authors’ names, the journal name, and/or the study title in the databases PubMed and Google Scholar.

(Are you completely lost? For a primer on discovering research online, see this useful PubMed tutorial.)

If you’re having problems finding a study, combine the names of the first, second, and last authors. They rarely appear in more than a few research, so you’ll probably find what you’re looking for.

Almost always, you can read the study’s abstract—a brief overview of the findings—for free. Check to see if the complete text is also available. If you don’t have access to the whole study, you may have to pay to read it.

It’s time to get your hands on the study once you’ve obtained it.

Not all research is the same.

Be wary, cautious, and analytical.

Publishers, journals, and even scientific studies themselves have varying levels of quality.

Is every novel, after all, a Hemingway? Is every news organization completely objective? Are all of your employees perfect geniuses?

Obviously not. Research faces the same obstacles as any other industry when it comes to reaching excellence. As an example…

Journals are known for publishing groundbreaking research.

Which one sounds like it would be more fun to read? Is it more important to have a study that verifies what we already know or one that offers something fresh and different?

Academic journals are businesses, and publishing new, attention-grabbing research is one of the ways they sell subscriptions, retain their cutting-edge reputations, and get cited by other publications—including Good Morning America!

As a result, some studies published in even the most prestigious scientific journals are one-offs that have no bearing on the rest of the study on the subject. (This is only one of the many reasons why nutrition science is so perplexing.)

Researchers must publish their findings.

Researchers must get their findings seen in order to receive financing, which is a condition for many academic jobs. However, being published isn’t always straightforward, especially if their research findings aren’t particularly fascinating.

Enter predatory journals, which allow people to pay to publish their research without it being peer-reviewed. This is a concern since it indicates that no one is checking their work.

To the untrained eye, studies published in these journals may appear to be identical to those published in renowned journals. As an example, we looked at a research from one, and we’ll show you how to find them on your own in a minute.

In the interim, as a cross-reference, you might look at this list of potentially predatory journals.

The size and duration of the investigation can affect the outcome.

The higher the sample size (the number of people from a specific community analyzed), the more credible the results (however at some point this becomes a problem, too).

The reason for this is because more individuals means more data. As a result, scientists can get closer to the “actual” average. Outliers are less likely to affect a study population of 1,200 than a group of 10, for example.

It’s like flipping a coin: if you do it ten times, you might get seven or eight “heads.” Or even ten times in a row. However, if you flip it 1,200 times, you’re more likely to have an even split of heads and tails, which is more accurate.

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It’s also important considering the length of the study for similar reasons. Was it a year-long study of a group of people, or a single one-hour test of exercise ability utilizing a new supplement?

Sure, the supplement may have made a difference in a one-hour time frame, but did it create a long-term difference?

Longer study periods allow us to examine the most important outcomes, such as fat reduction and muscle gain, as well as whether or not heart attacks happened. They also assist us in comprehending the true impact of a treatment.

If you look at a person’s liver enzymes after only 15 days of eating a high-fat diet, you might assume they need to go to the ER. However, after 30 days, their bodies have adjusted and the enzymes are back to normal.

As a result, longer time adds context to the findings, making them more credible and applicable in real life. Longer studies, like researching larger groups, necessitate a lot of resources, which aren’t always available.

The bottom line: Small, short-term studies can add to the body of literature and provide insights for future research, but they’re restricted in terms of what you can learn from them on their own.

The outcomes of studies can be influenced by biases.

Certain study outcomes may pique the interest of scientists. (As a reader, you can do the same.)

Though this isn’t always the case, research from universities tends to be less biased than research from corporations.

Perhaps a researcher collaborated with or was funded by a corporation that has a financial stake in the results of their research. This is perfectly permissible as long as the researcher admits to having a conflict of interest or potential bias.

However, it can also cause issues. For example, the scientist may feel compelled to undertake the research in a specific manner. This isn’t precisely cheating, but it has the potential to affect the outcome.

Researchers may bias their study’s results inadvertently—and occasionally purposefully—to make them appear more significant than they are.

When reading a scientific publication, you could not be getting the complete story in both of these circumstances.

That’s why it’s so important to look at each study in the context of the rest of the evidence. If it differs dramatically from other study on the subject, it’s crucial to figure out why.

Your Complete Study Aid

Now comes the fun part: reading and analyzing real research utilizing our step-by-step methodology. Make a note of this article so you can return to it whenever you’re working on a paper.

Step 1: Assess the strength of the evidence.

You can use this helpful pyramid dubbed the “hierarchy of evidence” to figure out how much faith you should put in a study.

The way it works is that the higher a study paper is on the pyramid, the more reliable the information is.

For example, you should look for a meta-analysis or systematic review that addresses your research topic first (see the top of the pyramid). You can’t seem to find one? Then move on to randomized controlled trials, and so forth.

Study designs at the bottom of the pyramid aren’t useless, but understanding how they relate to more verified forms of research is necessary to comprehend the larger picture.


Reviews of research

Because they examine and/or analyze a variety of previous studies on a certain issue, these publications are regarded highly strong evidence. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews are the two types.

In a meta-analysis, researchers aggregate the findings of many studies using complicated statistical methods. The statistical power of combining research rises, resulting in a stronger conclusion than any single study. Meta-analyses can also uncover trends in study results, sources of disagreement, and other intriguing connections that a single study cannot.

Researchers review and debate the existing studies on a certain question or topic in a systematic review. In most cases, they apply specific and stringent criteria to determine what is included.

Both of these methods examine a number of studies before drawing a judgment.

This is advantageous because:

  • A meta-analysis, also known as a systematic review, is a study that has been thoroughly examined by a group of researchers. The majority of the work has already been completed for you. Does each study make sense on its own? Were the methods of research sound? Is there any consistency in their statistical analysis? Otherwise, the study will be dismissed.
  • Taking a look at a large number of research at the same time might help put outliers into context. A meta-analysis or systematic review would help the reader avoid getting caught up in the two studies that seem to contradict the greater body of evidence if 25 studies indicated that taking fish oil benefited brain health and two studies found the contrary.

PubMed has made it simple to locate these: just click “customize” to the left of the search box, and you can narrow your search to solely reviews and meta-analyses.


The stance stand is your evidence-based shortcut.

If you’re reading a study review and something doesn’t add up, or you’re not sure how to apply what you’ve learned to your real-world coaching practice, take a stand on the subject.

Official comments made by a governing organization on matters relevant to a particular field, such as nutrition, exercise physiology, dietetics, or medicine, are known as position stands.

They examine the complete body of research and provide professionals with practical instructions to apply with clients or patients.

The 2017 International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand on Diets and Body Composition is a good example.

If you have an older client and want to safely boost their training capacity (but don’t want to be sucked into a rabbit hole of study), simply check for the stance stand on exercise and older folks.

Consult the website of whichever governing organization you belong to to find out where you stand in your field. If you’re a qualified personal trainer with ACSM, NASM, ACE, or NSCA, for example, go to each organization’s website. They should include positions on a wide range of topics.

Trials that are randomized and controlled

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One set of participants does not receive the treatment being examined in a randomized controlled trial, but both groups believe they are receiving it.

One half of the volunteers may be given a medicine, while the other half is given a placebo.

The groups are assigned at random, which helps to avoid the placebo effect, which occurs when someone gets a benefit simply because they feel it would assist them.

Look for the words “double blind” or the abbreviation “DBRCT” if you’re reading an RCT study (double blind randomized controlled trial). In the field of experimental research, this is the gold standard. It means neither the volunteers nor the researchers are aware of who is receiving treatment and who is receiving a placebo. They’re both “blind,” thus the results will be less skewed.

Observational research

In an observational study, researchers examine and analyze current or historical behavior or data before drawing judgments about what it might indicate.

Observational research reveals relationships, thus you can’t declare an observational study “proves” anything. Even so, when people hear about these discoveries on prominent morning shows, that element is often overlooked, which is why you may have clients who are perplexed.

So, what are the benefits of these kinds of studies? They might be able to assist us in making educated judgments regarding optimum practices.

One research, yet again, did not provide much information. However, you can be more certain that they’ve discovered a pattern if many observational studies reveal comparable findings and there are biological mechanisms that can adequately explain them. For example, eating plant foods is probably healthy—but smoking isn’t.

These studies can also be used to develop hypotheses that can be tested in experimental experiments.

Observational studies are divided into three categories:

  • Cohort studies are studies that track a group of people over a period of time. These studies can follow people for years, if not decades. Typically, scientists are seeking for a specific component that may have an impact on a specific outcome. Researchers, for example, start with a group of people who don’t have diabetes and then observe to see who develops it. Then they’ll try to piece together the puzzle and see what the newly diagnosed persons have in common.
  • Case control studies compare the lives of two groups of persons who are in some manner dissimilar. For instance, researchers might compare two groups of people who lost 30 pounds: 1) Those who were able to maintain their weight decrease over time; 2) those who were unable to do so. This type of study would propose a rationale for what occurred, and then examine data from the participants to see if the hypothesis was correct.
  • Cross-sectional studies examine a specific population—for example, those with high blood pressure—to see if they share any additional characteristics. Medication, lifestyle decisions, or other disorders could be to blame.

Reports and case studies

These are stories that are uncommon or interesting in some way. For instance, after adding 1-2 cups of Bulletproof Coffee to his daily diet, a patient’s blood cholesterol levels drastically worsened, according to one study.

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Studies on animals and in the lab

Nonhuman participants, such as pigs, rats, or mice, or cells on Petri dishes, are used in these research, which can fall anywhere in the hierarchy.

Why are we bringing them up? Mostly because it’s crucial to be cautious about how much faith you place in the results. While animal and lab research have contributed to our understanding of human physiology—from heat regulation to renal function—people are not mice, fruit flies, or even our closest relatives, primates.

As a result, animal and cell studies can provide insights into people, but they aren’t always directly applicable.

The following are the primary questions you’ll want to address: What kind of animal was it that was used? Were the animals employed a good human model?

Pigs, for example, are more better models for cardiovascular disease and food studies than mice, because to their larger coronary arteries and omnivorous diets. Mice are utilized in genetic research because they are easier to manipulate genetically and have shorter reproduction cycles than humans.

Furthermore, context is really important. How much of a chemical was used in an animal study that caused cancer, and what is the human equivalent?

Or, if a drug increases protein synthesis in cells produced in a dish, how long does it last? What are the days, hours, and minutes? To what extent is this true, and how does it compare to a human consuming an ounce of chicken? What other processes might be affected by this chemical?

Typically, animal and laboratory research do not provide solutions or practical takeaways. Instead, they’re a first step toward establishing a case for conducting experimental study.

The bottom line is that you should be wary about exaggerating the significance of these findings. Also, consider how these tiny studies fit into the larger picture of what we currently know about the subject.

Qualitative and mixed-method studies are an added bonus.

We haven’t discussed one type of research that is applicable to a wide range of study designs: qualitative research as opposed to quantitative (numerical) research.

Qualitative research focuses on the intangible aspects of what was discovered, such as what people thought, said, or felt. They provide insight into the human side of things.

So, in a qualitative study of how people react to a new fitness tracker, researchers might ask them how they feel about it and group their responses into themes like “easy of use” or “likes knowing how many steps they’ve taken.”

Qualitative research is frequently useful for elucidating concepts and questions raised by quantitative data, as well as providing context for the links seen by researchers.

Quantitative statistics, for example, may show that a certain number of people do not make significant health adjustments even after receiving a critical medical diagnosis.

By interviewing people who didn’t make the changes and looking for common themes, such as “I didn’t get enough information from my doctor” or “I didn’t get assistance or coaching,” qualitative research could figure out why.

A “mixed-methods” study is one in which quantitative data and qualitative inquiry are combined.

The key message is to stick to the evidence hierarchy.

There’s a major difference between a double-blind randomized controlled human trial (conducted by an independent lab) and an animal study on the efficacy of a weight-loss supplement.

A systematic evaluation of studies on whether red meat promotes cancer and a case report on the same topic are even more dissimilar.

Keep the outcomes of research in perspective by noting how strong the evidence can even be, according to the pyramid above.

Step 2: Evaluate the research.

A study’s publication does not imply that it is error-free. While reading a scientific article may make you feel out of your element, keep in mind that the document’s goal is to persuade you of its findings.

And it’s your job to ask the correct questions while you’re reading a study.

Here’s a breakdown of what to look for in each segment.



Academic journals, such as Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, such than TightBodz Quarterly, publish high-quality research.

To see if the research you’re reading was published in a respected journal, do the following:

  • Take a look at the impact factor. While not perfect, using a database like Scientific Journal Rankings to seek for a journal’s “impact factor” (designated as “SJR” by Scientific Journal Rankings) can provide you some insight into its reputation. It’s probably legit if the impact factor is bigger than one.
  • Check to see if the publication is peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed studies are given a greater level of credibility since they are read critically by other academics before being published. Most journals specify whether peer review is required in their submission procedures, which may be accessed by Googling the journal’s name plus the terms “submission guidelines.” It’s a red flag if a journal doesn’t require peer review.
  • Check to see how long the publisher has been in business. The majority of respected academic journals are published by firms that have been in operation since at least 2012. Publishers who have popped up after then have a higher likelihood of being predatory.


These are the people that carried out the research, and learning more about their backgrounds can reveal a lot about a study’s credibility.

To discover more about the authors, visit their websites:

  • Look them up on the internet. They should be experts in the subject matter of the study. That they’ve written research reviews and possibly textbook chapters on the subject. Even if the study is led by a newer researcher in the field, their university or lab website should have information about their accomplishments, credentials, and areas of specialization.
  • Take a look at their associations to see what they’re up to. You should be aware if any of the authors make money from companies that have an interest in the study’s conclusions, just as you should be aware of any stated conflicts of interest.

Note that just because one (or more) of the authors make money from a company in a similar industry doesn’t guarantee the study is bogus, but it’s worth highlighting, especially if the study appears to have other flaws.


This is a high-level description of the research, covering the study’s goal, important findings, and conclusions drawn by the authors.

To get the most out of the abstract, do the following:

  • Determine the big question. What did the researchers want to learn from this study?
  • Determine whether or not the study is relevant to you. Only go on to the next section of the study if you find the main question intriguing and useful. There’s no incentive to read it if it’s not interesting.
  • Look into it more. Because the abstract does not provide context, you must continue reading to understand what was discovered in a study.


This section gives an overview of what is already known about a topic and explains why this research was necessary.

When you read the introduction, keep the following in mind:

  • Learn everything there is to know about the topic. The majority of introductions include a list of previous studies and reviews on the research issue. Get up to speed on the references if they mention things that surprise you or don’t appear to match what you already know about the body of data. You can do so by reading either the specific research mentioned or a full (and recent) overview on the subject.
  • Look for any openings. Because some studies cherry-pick their opening references based on what supports their arguments, conducting your own research might be enlightening.


This section contains demographic and research design information.

All research is expected to be repeatable. In other words, if another researcher followed the identical procedures, the results would almost certainly be the same. As a result, this section contains all of the information needed to duplicate a study.

You should include the following in the methodology section:

  • Get to know the people who will be taking part. Knowing who was examined can help you determine how much (or how little) you can apply the findings to yourself (or your clients). Women and males may differ; older subjects may differ from younger subjects; ethnic groups may differ; medical issues may influence the results, and so on.
  • Keep in mind the sample size. Depending on the sort of study, this is also a good moment to look at how many people were included in the study, as this might be an early indicator of how seriously you should consider the results.
  • Don’t get caught up in the minutiae. It’s unlikely that you’ll find value in delving into the specifics of how the study was carried out unless you work in the field.


Check out this area to see if the intervention improved, harmed, or left things the same.

When reading this section, keep the following in mind:

  • Take a quick look at it. The findings section is usually quite lengthy. You may get a good summary of what happened by reading the headlines of each paragraph.
  • Take a look at the numbers. Seek to comprehend what’s shown in the graphs, charts, and figures in this part to obtain a sense of the study’s overall findings.


This is a hypothetical explanation of the results. It includes the authors’ viewpoints, which is a key point.

As you read the conversation, consider the following:

  • Make a note of any qualifiers. This section is likely to be loaded with phrases like “maybe,” “suggests,” “supports,” “unclear,” and “further research is needed.” That implies you can’t quote thoughts from this section as truth, even if the authors plainly favor one interpretation of the data over another. (However, don’t discount the author’s interpretation out of hand, especially if he or she has been doing this type of study for years or decades.)
  • Recognize your limitations. The discussion also contains information regarding the research’s limitations in terms of application. Exploring this section in depth will help you better appreciate the study’s shortcomings and why it may not be universally relevant (or useful to you and/or your clients.)


The authors summarize what their research means and how it relates in the actual world in this section.

To get the most out of this section, follow these steps:

  • Consider starting with the conclusions. Yes, even before the introduction, technique, or results. This helps put the study’s findings into context. After all, you don’t want to read more into the study’s findings than the scientists who conducted it, do you? Starting with the conclusions can assist you avoid being overly enthusiastic about a study’s findings—or more convinced of their significance—than the researchers.
  • Check to see if the data backs up your conclusions. When a scientist studying fruit flies extends the results to humans, or when researchers argue that observational study data “prove” something to be true (which, as you know from the hierarchy of evidence, is impossible), writers make improper conclusions or overgeneralize results. Keep an eye out for any conclusions that don’t appear to add up.

Let’s dig a little deeper: The importance of statistics

Researchers have a theory they want to test before they begin a study. After that, they gather and analyze data before drawing judgments.

During the analysis phase of a study, the concept of statistical significance is introduced.

Your text will be rewritten by QuillBot. Start by typing or pasting something into this box, then hit the enter key.

Probability is represented by the letter “p” in p-value.

In most cases, P-values can be found in the results section.

Simply put, the lower the p-value, the more probable the study’s outcomes were produced by the treatment or intervention rather than a random fluke.

Consider the following scenario:

Assume that researchers are evaluating fat-burning supplement X.

According to their premise, taking supplement X causes more fat loss than not taking it.

The study participants are placed into two groups at random:

  • Supplement X is given to one group.
  • A placebo is given to one group.

On average, the supplement X group lost more fat at the end of the research. As a result, it appears that the researchers’ hypothesis is correct.

However, some patients who took supplement X lost less weight than those who took a placebo. So, does vitamin X aid fat reduction or hinder it?

This is when p-values and statistics come into play. You can figure out if it’s likely due to the supplement or just the randomness of the universe if you look at all the participants and how much fat they shed.

A p-value of less than 0.05 (5 percent) is commonly used as a statistically significant threshold. Numbers that exceed that limit are not.

This criterion is arbitrary, and some types of research, such as genome-wide association studies, have a significantly lower threshold, requiring a p-value of less than 0.00000001 to be statistically significant.

So, if researchers looking into the effect of supplement X on fat loss discovered Y fat loss with a p-value of 0.04, it suggests there’s a very little possibility (4%) that supplement X has no influence on fat loss (the effect was solely due to random chance).

There are a few things to remember about p-values:

  • The lesser the p-value, the less significant the effect of supplement X. It just indicates that the impact is consistent and most likely ‘real.’
  • In general, the lower the p-value, the lower the genuine error rate (false positives).
  • The p-value does not assess the quality of a study’s design. It simply assesses how probable the outcomes are attributable to chance.

Why are we going into such detail about this?

Because if a study’s p-value is greater than 0.05, the findings aren’t statistically significant.

That suggests either 1) the medication had no impact, or 2) the results would be different if the research were repeated.

So, if the p-value for supplement X was more than 0.05, you couldn’t declare that supplement X aided fat reduction. Even if you can see that the group using supplement X dropped 10 pounds on average, this is still true. (You can read more about it here.)

Takeaway: Make sure you’re asking the appropriate questions.

We’re not suggesting that you read a study critically because the authors are attempting to deceive you.

However, each element of a study can reveal something essential about the validity of the findings and how seriously you should take them.

If you read a study that claims green tea boosts metabolism, and you:

  • Green tea or metabolism have never been researched by the researchers before.
  • The researchers are members of a green tea company’s board of directors;
  • Recent meta-analyses and/or reviews on the topic that contradict the study’s findings are not cited in the introduction;
  • and the experiment was carried out on mice…

…then you should perform more research before advising them that drinking green tea will speed up their metabolism and help them lose weight.

This is not to imply that drinking green tea can’t help you lose weight. After all, it’s a calorie-free drink that’s typically good for you. It’s only a matter of keeping the research-backed advantages in mind. Take caution not to exaggerate the benefits based on a single study (or even a few suspect ones).

Step 3: Think about your own point of view.

So you’ve studied the research and have a good understanding of how persuasive it is.

But take care:

We are more likely to seek out information that we agree with.

Yes, we’re more inclined to click on (or search for) a study if we assume it will support our existing beliefs.

Confirmation bias is the term for this.

And if a study contradicts what we believe, we can get a little irritated.

When you read and analyze a study, you will bring certain prejudices to the table. We all do it.

However, not everyone should draw their own conclusions from scientific findings, especially if they aren’t experts in the topic. Because, once again, we’re all a little skewed.

After you’ve finished reading a study, utilize this chart to figure out how to interpret the findings.


The moral of the story is to be conscious of your own point of view.

Recognize that human brains are fundamentally biased rather than claiming to be “neutral” and “rational.”

If you’re feeling exceptionally upset or triumphant after reading a study, that’s a symptom of built-in bias.

Remember, science is about getting closer to the truth, not about being right or incorrect.

Step 4: Consider the implications of your conclusions.

One study does not prove anything on its own. Especially if information contradicts what we previously believed.

(By the way, studies rarely prove anything.) It will instead contribute to a pile of probabilities concerning something, such as a relationship between Factor X and Outcome Y.)

Consider new findings as a small piece of a much larger jigsaw rather than gospel.

As a result, we place a premium on position statements, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews. These do a good job of establishing background for you to some extent.

You’ll have to undertake the work on your own if you read a single research.

Consider how each scientific study you read fits in with the rest of the research on a particular topic.


Takeaway: Don’t limit yourself to a single study.

Let’s imagine a study shows that creatine doesn’t help you increase your power output. The research appears to be of high quality and well-done.

These findings are puzzling because the majority of creatine research over the last few decades has shown that it can help people improve their athletic ability and power output.

So, if your goal is to gain strength and power, do you quit taking creatine, one of the most well-researched supplements available?

It would be foolish to dismiss the past 25 years of research on creatine supplementation based on a single study.

Instead, it’s probably better to put this investigation on hold—at least until further high-quality studies confirm the same result. If that happens, we’ll have to revisit the situation.

It’s more about the whole than the parts when it comes to getting the most out of scientific study and perhaps applying it to our lives.

Science is far from flawless, but it is the best we have.

It’s fantastic to be motivated by science to experiment with your nutrition, fitness, and overall health regimens, or to advise your customers on evidence-based improvements.

But, before you make any major changes, make sure it’s for the right reasons for you (or your customer), not just because it’s the next great thing.

Pay attention to how the adjustments you make influence your body and mind, and trust your instincts when something isn’t working for you (or your client).

In nutrition coaching, science is a wonderful tool, but we’re still learning and expanding our understanding. And even the brightest individuals can make mistakes.

Take anything you learn solely through research with a grain of salt.

If you’re an evidence-based coach (or someone who wants to employ evidence-based ways to get healthier), keep in mind that your own personal experiences and preferences are important.


To see the information sources mentioned in this article, go here.

Biau, D.J., Jolles, B.M. & Porcher, R. (2010). P Value and the Theory of Hypothesis Testing: An Explanation for New Researchers. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 468 (3), 885-892.

Head, M. L., Holman, L., Lanfear, R., Kahn, A. T., & Jennions, M. D. (2015). The extent and consequences of p-hacking in science. PLoS Biology, 13(3), e1002106.

Ehrlinger, J., Johnson, K., Banner, M., Dunning, D., & Kruger, J. (2008). Why the Unskilled Are Unaware: Further Explorations of (Absent) Self-Insight Among the Incompetent. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105(1), 98–121.

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997a). evaluating the methodological quality of previously published works 305–308. BMJ, 315(7103), 305–308.

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997b). How to read a paper properly. Getting to know your surroundings (deciding what the paper is about). 243–246 in BMJ 315(7102).

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997c). How to read a paper properly. Drug trials are reported in these papers. 480–483 in BMJ 315(7106).

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997d). How to read a paper properly. The non-guide statistician’s to statistics. I: Different statistical tests are required for different types of data. 364–366 in BMJ 315(7104).

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997e). How to read a paper properly. The non-guide statistician’s to statistics. II. “Important” relationships and their problems 422–425. BMJ, 315(7105), 422–425.

T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh, T. Greenhalgh (1997f). Papers that summarize the findings of other papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses). 672–675 in BMJ 315(7109).

Greenhalgh, T., & Taylor, R. (1997). Papers that go beyond numbers (qualitative research). BMJ , 315(7110), 740–743.

Kruger, J., & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: how difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1121–1134.

Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine Roundtable of the Institute of Medicine (US) (2011). Summary of the workshop on Environmental Health Sciences Decision Making: Risk Management, Evidence, and Ethics. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, pp. 21-24.

E. Pain is a fictional character (2016, March 21) How to read a scientific article (really).

Purugganan, M., & Hewitt, J. (2004) How to Read a Scientific Article. Retrieved from

P.S. Sever, B. Dahlöf, N.R. Poulter, H. Wedel, G. Beevers, M. Caulfield Rory Collins, G.T. McInnes, and others (2003). In the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial—Lipid Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial, atorvastatin was used to prevent coronary and stroke events in hypertensive patients with average or lower-than-average cholesterol concentrations. The Lancet, vol. 361(9364), pp. 1149–1158.

Sullivan, G. M., & Feinn, R. (2012). Using Effect Size-or Why the P Value Is Not Enough. Journal of graduate medical education, 4(3), 279–282.

Bora, Toklu, and others (2015). Serum Lipids Increase After Consumption of “Bulletproof Coffee.” 462, Journal of Clinical Lipidology, vol. 9, no. 3.

Wasserstein, R.L., & Lazar, N .A. (2016). The ASA’s Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose, The American Statistician, 70 (2), 129-133.

If you’re a coach or wish to be one…

It’s both an art and a science to coach clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy food and lifestyle adjustments in a way that’s tailored to their individual body, tastes, and circumstances.

Consider the Level 1 Certification if you want to learn more about both.

Last week, a team of scientists from the University of California and the University of Colorado announced that they had identified a gene that causes a rare form of obesity, which they had added to the list of genes that predispose some people to obesity. The gene, called FTO (fat mass and obesity associated), does not cause obesity in people who do not have it, but if you have it, you are more than twice as likely to be obese. In the past, scientists had found that the FTO gene was associated with obesity, but it did not make sense that a gene that causes obesity would also be associated with weight loss. Now, the discovery of the association between FTO and weight loss sheds light on our impulse to lose weight.. Read more about how to read a scientific paper worksheet and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you read a scientific study?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you read science effectively?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How we can determine that a scientific study is legitimate?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” There are many ways to determine that a scientific study is legitimate, but one of the most important factors is whether or not it has been peer-reviewed.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you read a scientific study?

I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.

How do you read science effectively?

I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.

How we can determine that a scientific study is legitimate?

There are many ways to determine that a scientific study is legitimate, but one of the most important factors is whether or not it has been peer-reviewed.

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Build 22000.132 brings Chat from Teams to Beta channel Insiders


Insiders with access to the Beta channel on Windows have been able to chat with other Insiders since build 18242, but things changed with the recent Ignite 2017 conference. The Windows Live Messenger chat app was removed from the beta channel, and replaced by Teams, a new chat app that was presented as a replacement by Microsoft. But what’s wrong with the current Messenger app?

Today, we are releasing Build 22000.132 for Insiders in the Fast ring. This is the first major update to Teams since its initial release to consumers, so we have focused on making it better for our Insiders. This update is the first in a series of updates that will continue to improve Teams in the coming months. To start, we are making it easier for Insiders to access their Teams and Chat history by making it available in the “All Mail” tab. Once you have access to your Teams and Chat history, you can view, delete, or archive conversations at any time. This is a feature that we have talked about releasing since Teams launched, but we have been working on it for Insiders in the Fast

Build 22000.132 was released this morning, and it brings chat from teams to beta channel Insiders. The latest build also reduces the number of steps required to build a Microsoft Teams MVP app from 14 to 10. The channel has also been given a few extra features, such as a new activity picker.


Turiceanu, Vlad


He spent much of his time acquiring new talents and learning more about the computer industry, since he was passionate about technology, Windows, and anything that had a power button. Coming from a strong foundation in computer science,… Read more

  • The KB5005190 update brings a slew of repairs and enhancements to the Windows 11 experience.
  • Insiders in the Beta channel will now be able to use the Chat from Teams functionality as well.
  • Microsoft also included the improved Snipping Tool, Calculator, and Calendar applications in this new version.
  • The Microsoft Store has also been upgraded to version 22108.1401.0, which includes several new features.


Microsoft is already releasing a new Windows 11 Insider version, just in case you were tired with the existing one.

Yes, you heard it right. We saw the release of version 22000.120 last week, but 22000.132 is now available for users in the Dev and Beta Channels through the Windows Insider program.

The sixth cumulative update for Windows 11 RTM Build 22000 is now out, and it contains few major changes, new features, or significant improvements.

A new patch named Cumulative Update for Windows 11 (10.0.22000.132) (KB5005190) will become available for download if you check for updates today.


Teams chat is coming to the Beta channel.

Even while this latest Windows 11 version isn’t as large as the others, it still includes some significant improvements and additions.

For example, Microsoft Teams Chat is now accessible in the Beta Channel for Windows Insiders. One-to-one and group audio and video chatting will also be available, with many of the features you’ve come to expect.

With device settings, you’ll be able to turn on or off your microphone and camera, as well as choose your favorite speakers, mic, and camera. You may also manage the details and choices for meetings.

You may also share your screen, check the participant roster, accept meeting participants from the lobby, talk, and watch people’s videos in a gallery view.


This version also includes the new Snipping Tool for Windows 11, an updated Calculator app, and improved Mail and Calendar applications, in addition to the new Teams feature.

In the Dev Channel, all of the aforementioned apps will be available to Windows Insiders.

Version 22108.1401.0 of the Microsoft Store was also released.

Microsoft is also starting to push out the Store update (version 22108.1401.0) that includes Spotlight auto-scrolling.

Aside from that, Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel will see a new gaming PDP (product detail page) design and a new Ratings and Reviews dialog in the Store app.

Isn’t it cool? It was fascinating to watch how the Windows 11 Store went from being one of the most unreliable applications to getting many updates and providing a nice experience.


Fixes and enhancements in Build 22000.132

As previously said, this version does not include a significant number of repairs and improvements compared to prior Windows 11 releases, but just enough to address a few minor problems.

Microsoft has stated that they will be addressing the following issues with KB5005190:

  • Search:
    • I worked to fix a problem where the recent searches list that appeared while hovering over the Search icon in the Taskbar was unexpectedly blank.
  • Widgets:
    • The problem with opening links from the widgets board not always bringing applications to the forefront has been resolved.
    • The widgets icon in the Taskbar should now open on the proper monitor when you click it.
  • Sandbox in Windows:
    • Inside Sandbox in Windows, the Taskbar (Explorer.exe) should no longer crash.
  • Other:
    • An issue that caused certain Insiders to get a bug check while trying to roll back in the prior flight has been resolved.
    • Fixed a problem that caused certain games to become unresponsive after hitting the Enter key.
    • The “location in use” indication icon didn’t appear in the Taskbar when it should have.

Issues that have been identified

Don’t fool yourself into believing that this Insider build is flawless and that there are no flaws. Because Windows 11 is still in beta, we’re likely to come across additional problems.

Microsoft, on the other hand, is bringing to our notice some of the issues with the latest release, as follows:

  • [REMINDER] Some features may be deprecated or deleted when upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 or installing a Windows 11 upgrade.
  • Investigating an issue where on some devices, when going to Settings > Windows Update > Windows Insider Program, only the “Stop getting preview builds” option is visible. This prevents Insiders from selecting a channel.
  • [BETA CHANNEL] Investigating reports from Insiders in the Beta Channel where after upgrading to Windows 11, they are not seeing the new Taskbar and the Start menu doesn’t work. To workaround this if you are impacted, please try going to Windows Update > Update history, uninstalling the latest cumulative update for Windows, and the reinstall it by checking for updates.
  • Start:
    • When using Search from Start or the Taskbar, you may be unable to input text in certain situations. If the problem persists, open the Run dialog box by pressing WIN + R on the keyboard, then shut it.
    • When right-clicking on the Start button (WIN + X), System and Windows Terminal are absent.
  • Taskbar:
    • When switching input methods, the Taskbar will sometimes flicker.
  • Search:
    • The Search panel may not open after clicking the Search button on the Taskbar. Restart the “Windows Explorer” process and reopen the search panel if this happens.
    • The search panel may look dark, with no information underneath the search field.
    • Apps may not start from the Search panel on pen-enabled devices. If you’re having trouble, log out and back in to see if the problem goes away.
  • Settings:
    • Certain searches in the Settings search box may cause Settings to crash.
  • Widgets:
    • It’s possible that the Widgets board is empty. You can get around the problem by signing out and then back in again.
    • External displays may show widgets in the incorrect size. If this happens, open the widgets on your primary monitor first, then on your other displays, using touch or the WIN + W shortcut.
    • [Widget for the family] Even if screen time settings are enabled, some users may receive a notification that says “connect a device to view screen time activities.”
    • [Widget for the family] On iOS, certain users may not be able to get location information.
  • Store:
    • We’re trying to enhance the Store’s search relevancy, including addressing an issue where the ordering of search results is sometimes incorrect.
    • In certain circumstances, the install button may not be available yet.
    • For certain applications, ratings and reviews are not accessible.
  • Windows Sandbox
    • When you click the switcher icon on the Taskbar in Windows Sandbox, the language input switcher does not appear. As a workaround, users may use the hardware keyboard keys Alt + Shift, Ctrl + Shift, or Win + Space to change their input language (the third option is available only if Sandbox is full-screened).
    • When you click the IME icon in the Taskbar in Windows Sandbox, the IME context menu does not appear. As a workaround, users may utilize one of the following ways to access the IME context menu’s features:
      • Accessing the IME settings via Settings > Time & language >  Language & region > (e.g. Japanese) three dots > Language options > (e.g. Microsoft IME) three dots > Keyboard options.
        • Optionally, you may also enable the IME toolbar, an alternative UI to quickly invoke specific IME functions. Continuing from above, navigate to Keyboard options > Appearance > Use IME toolbar.
      • Using the hardware keyboard shortcuts that are specific to each IME-supported language. (For further information, see Japanese IME Shortcuts and Traditional Chinese IME Shortcuts.)
  • Localization
    • Some Insiders may be missing translations from their user experience for a limited subset of languages using the newest Insider Preview builds due to an issue. To see whether you’ve been affected, go to this Answers forum post and follow the instructions for fixing it.
  • Microsoft Teams chat room
    • The experience is only available in English (US). Additional languages and locations will be added in the near future.
    • When you make an outgoing call, the user interface indicates that the call is being connected even if you do not hear a ring tone.
    • During a video call, people’s videos may sometimes stop or show a dark picture. There is a solution for this problem, which is to pin and then unpin the video that freezes.
    • The preceding call is not immediately placed on hold when switching between calls, thus audio and video streams continue on both conversations. Before accepting another call, be sure you’ve finished the one you’re on.

What is the procedure for installing KB5005188?

  1. Go to the Windows Update tab in the Settings menu.
  2. The update should appear as a pending download, so click the Download button.Build-22000132-brings-Chat-from-Teams-to-Beta-channel-Insiders
  3. The fix will begin downloading on its own.
  4. To complete the installation, click “Restart now.”

Have you tried out the latest Windows 11 Insider build yet? In the comments box below, tell us about your experience.

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Since we announced Office 365 Fast — a new way of getting the Office apps so you get updates and features right away — we’ve been hearing from customers who want to test new features in real time. As part of our ongoing journey to bring all Office 365 customers the best new experiences, today we are announcing that Fast is now available for Office Insiders in the Fast track channel on the Fast ring.. Read more about can t change windows insider channel and let us know what you think.

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How to Coach Nutrition with Confidence |

One of the best ways to coach nutrition is to teach people how to listen to their bodies. This is the first step to making sure they are getting the right amount of calories, vitamins, and nutrients. But how do you know what’s right for a client? How do you know what is the best way to encourage them to eat? How do you decide if they are eating enough? It is tough to know if a diet is good because often you are basing it on what you have heard from other people, or what you have read in a book. The nutrition field is growing, and with it the importance of understanding how to effectively communicate the science of nutrition to a non-expert audience. Growing interest in the topic of nutrition means that many people want to learn about it and try to get involved. However, a large chunk of people do not know where to start. To help, TrainingPeaks has created a  Nutrition Coaching Master Class  for trainers and coaches with an interest in nutrition coaching. As a nutrition coach, one of the great challenges I face is that I have to tell people who are struggling with food, how to eat properly so that they can experience the full benefits of healthy eating and their health. This doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes a lot of time and energy as well as the desire to change. However, if we can help them get on the right path, I know that they will feel better and it is possible that they can lose weight. If you are a nutrition coach, or want to become one, and want to help others, here are a few things you can do.

“Am I doing everything correctly?”

Self-doubt. It rattles around behind you like a rusted sidecar on your coaching motorbike, no matter how long you’ve been doing this. When a customer presents you with an issue you’ve never encountered before, or when a client says, “I’ve done everything you’ve suggested—and nothing’s changed!” Oof. Our armpits are prickling as well. Here’s a little known fact: even the greatest health and nutrition instructors have doubts about their abilities and expertise. That is, in fact, a good thing. However, in order to assist your customers figure out next steps and be their trusted advisor, you must ultimately break those shackles of self-doubt. In this post, we’ll show you how to use five methods to stress-test your knowledge and decide the best next actions for your customers when you’re uncertain. Scientists have loaned us these tools. (They’re specialists at acquiring information and using what they’ve learned to make better choices in the future.) These tools will make you feel wiser as a coach, and more at ease when dealing with new coaching situations. Your customers will see improved outcomes. And, in most cases, this results in additional recommendations. (To put it another way, everyone benefits.) Let’s get started.

Tool #1: Become used to the words “I may be wrong.”

‘s scientific adviser is Helen Kolias, PhD. Every week, Dr. Kollias enters the PN Facebook groups’ comments section, giving a well-researched perspective on the most contentious health and nutrition issues. What I find fascinating about Dr. Kollias is: Even if someone says anything that seems like “the Earth is flat” nonsense, she examines PubMed to see whether they’re right. Dr. Kollias adds, “It doesn’t matter how much I believe I already know.” “As a scientist, I’m taught to ask myself, ‘Could I be wrong?’” She does this to escape the psychological trap of confirmation bias, which is defined as the propensity to seek out and retain information that supports our existing beliefs while disregarding any evidence to the contrary. To counteract this prejudice, she and other scientists are taught to ask themselves, “How could I be wrong?”  And they look for proof to back up their claims. In other words, scientists are able to constantly progress toward what is more correct by investigating how they may be incorrect.  Embracing wrongness has comparable advantages for coaches. It enables us to better understand what works and what doesn’t, as well as for which customers. Of course, being incorrect appeals to most of us about as much as eating a hornet. We just need a little practice to get over that pain. Here are a few suggestions:
  • When you’re looking for knowledge, Google the polar opposite of what you believe is true.
  • Frequently question yourself, “What if I’m wrong?” “Are there any alternative perspectives on this situation?” you may wonder. “Can you tell me where my blind spots are?” And since it’s not always possible to notice your own blind spots…
  • Encourage people to disagree with you by stating things like “Tell me how I’m wrong” or “I may not know everything, so if you know more about this than I do, I’m eager to learn.”
This is also beneficial to clients. Ask, “What if that’s not true?” when customers remark, “I can’t control myself around chocolate” or “I can’t consume sugar.” Assist customers in overcoming their own limiting beliefs so they may discover what is really possible.

Do you suffer from confirmation bias?

We have a propensity to believe that confirmation bias affects just other individuals. Let’s see what happens. Think about the following issues:
  1. Do you pay attention to individuals or organizations whose health beliefs differ from yours?
  2. Do you click on results that contradict what you already think when you Google a health topic?
  3. Are you acquainted with counter-arguments to your beliefs? Can you, for example, offer reasoned reasons for eating meat if you’ve adopted veganism?
If you responded “no” to any of these questions, you may be prejudiced in some way. You’re also a regular person. It’s normal to seek out information that supports our beliefs while ignoring information that contradicts them. It’s the way our brains operate. The issue isn’t whether we have confirmation bias, but rather: do we have confirmation bias? Is there anything we can do about it? Being aware of your own blind spots and confronting them on a regular basis may greatly expand your knowledge and help you become a better coach (and maybe even a better human).

Tool #2: Recognize the difference between trustworthy knowledge and nonsense.

Alwyn Cosgrove has been collecting and storing data for every single training session with customers at Results Fitness, the club he runs in Santa Clarita, California, for more than 21 years. “By 9 a.m. on Mondays, I’ve seen more exercises than anybody could complete in a year. Cosgrove, who also owns Results University, adds, “That’s how much knowledge I have at my fingertips.” This data, which comes from approximately 40,000 sessions each year, acts as a continuous research study. This enables Cosgrove to make educated decisions based on his own vast data collection, allowing him to confidently respond to queries such as:
  • Which is more effective: power, strength, or cardio if someone only has time to perform one kind of training?
  • Crunches or stability work: which is better for core strength?
  • Do customers develop more quickly whether they work with a trainer one-on-one or in small groups of four?
  • Will doing shoulder lifts while standing help you develop strength faster? Or when you’re seated?
(By the way, based on Cosgrove’s statistics, the answers to the above questions are: power, stable work, small groups, and standing.) Perhaps you don’t have the same level of expertise as Cosgrove and don’t have access to hundreds of thousands of data points. So, how do you select the optimal course of action for each individual?  Well, a safe option is to start with the basics of diet and lifestyle, which, according to research, have the best chance of having a good effect. (Read more: 5 Universal Nutrition Principles That Everyone Can Benefit From.) Beyond those timeless principles, you’ll need to build a BS-meter when evaluating the usefulness of a new diet, activity, or supplement. There’s a lot of talk these days about “avant-garde” methods to improve one’s health. Here’s how to figure out what to believe:

When it comes to scientific and research resources…

Prioritize meta analyses and reviews that synthesize study results (such as Cochrane reviews), as well as position statements from government and nonprofit organizations such as the World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health, and American College of Sports Medicine. To find out who took part in the research, look at the “materials and techniques” section. Consider: How does your customer compare to the study’s participants? What makes your customer unique? Look for reputable research curators. If you’re a PN Academy member, check out “Research Insider,” which provides easy-to-understand research summaries. Subscribing to, an independent business that evaluates and summarizes nutrition studies, is another option. (Learn how to interpret a scientific research to sharpen your scientific BS-meter even further.)

When it comes to assessing health professionals…

Pay greater attention to seasoned professionals with decades of experience who are still successful, rather than “hot” newbies. People who provide advise in areas they haven’t researched should be avoided. In other words, dermatologists are more knowledgeable about your skin than they are about your heart. Pay attention to individuals who speak in a scientific manner. True experts are forthright about the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, acknowledge what they don’t know, are open-minded, and speak with qualifications. For further information, see “Can you put your faith in this expert?” below.

Can you trust this expert?

You can find someone, a website, or a research that supports virtually anything on the internet. So, how can you tell the difference between fact and fiction? Here are a few pointers.
How True Experts Communicate  How Non-Experts Communicate
This seems to be the case in this demographic and environment, based on what we know thus far. This is completely correct. [Full halt.]
This finding was discovered in this population, but further study is required. We have no idea how it will impact other people. This is a miraculous treatment! This is the solution!
This adds to the corpus of work that has already been shown…. This is proof of it.
If you do this, you may notice a difference. On the negative side… This supplement is capable of doing anything. There are no drawbacks.
Future study may show that this is incorrect. There isn’t anything that could ever alter the outcome.
True experts, on the other hand, may sound less assured than pseudo-experts.  That’s because they’re cautious and take their advice—and the implications of their advice—very seriously. They aren’t fully assured since they don’t know what they don’t know.

Tool #3: Understand nuance.

If you’ve been with us for a long, you’ll notice that we often utilize one phrase: It is debatable.  How much protein should you consume? It is debatable. Is alcohol harmful to your health? Depends. Is it okay if I eat extra broccoli? Also, it is debatable. Why is there so much reliance? Because: There is no one discovery that applies to everyone in all circumstances all of the time. This is what science has shown us: Protein requirements for younger individuals vary from those for older ones. Men and women have distinct health risks when it comes drinking wine. Broccoli is a healthy vegetable for most people, but it turns certain individuals become fart factories. So, whenever you’re contemplating a study result, whether good or bad, constantly question yourself: Is this correct at this time? When isn’t this the case?  People are one-of-a-kind, and circumstance is crucial.

Tool #4: Put your ideas to the test through experiments.

Every year, our coaches come across a few customers who are eager to shed a few pounds. And those final few pounds are often predicated on a figure from…a long time ago. (Perhaps that was their wedding day weight.) Alternatively, their pre-pandemic weight.) The problem is that, in addition to gaining weight, a lot of other things have altered over time. For example, how much time does one have to spend to exercise or how much control does one have over the sweets that enter the house? Which may make achieving that long-ago scale number a lot more difficult. They want for that “magic” number, but “either they’re unable to undertake the very difficult job of limiting that much—or they DO restrict a lot and still don’t drop those final few pounds,” according to coach Pam Ruhland. Ruhland often recommends a paradoxical experiment to these clients: giving up the scale for a month. Clients frequently come out of Ruhland’s sessions changed, saying things like, “I thought I needed to drop more weight.” But I’m content with where I’m at right now.” Experiments like the one above are often used by our coaches at because they allow clients to examine deeply held ideas that may or may not be true for them. Beliefs like as:
  • “I’ll be content if I had a six-pack.”
  • “If I become too hungry, I’ll devour the whole refrigerator.”
  • “This vitamin will make things better.”
The only way to know whether these beliefs are correct is to put them to the test. To accomplish so, follow Cosgrove’s advice: Determine what you’re measuring and establish a baseline. Are you keeping track of your happiness? What is the quality of your sleep? What is the makeup of your body? Make a note of your beginning position so you can compare it later. ONE THING AT A TIME should be changed. This is referred to as “controlling variables” by scientists, and it aids in determining what really worked (or didn’t). So, instead of taking the supplement, increase the intensity of your hill sprints. Wait two to three weeks at the very least. Clients may decide tomorrow to get on their scale and declare, “It’s not working!” NEXT!” However, they should be aware that any intervention typically takes a few weeks to take effect. Consider putting your data on a graph. Change isn’t always completely linear. (You know, there are good days and terrible days?) Graphing allows you to observe if things are (generally) getting better, remaining the same, or worsening. Read “3 diet experiments that may alter your eating habits—and transform your body” for additional information on how to set up studies.

Tool #5: View failure as information rather than proof of your inadequacy.

It’s uncommon for a scientific breakthrough to occur without a lengthy and difficult process of elimination. Katalin Karikó is a University of Pennsylvania scientist. No one would finance her research into how messenger RNA might be utilized to combat illness back in the 1990s. No one thought her plan would succeed.  Undaunted, she experimented for decades, the majority of which taught her one thing: how not to utilize mRNA to combat illness. These setbacks turned out to be very beneficial, since they led to the development of vaccinations that have been crucial in the battle against COVID-19. Nutritional coaching works in a similar way. When a sequence of activities fails to assist a customer go ahead, it’s disappointing. However, it is exactly this process of elimination that aids clients in determining which methods work best for them. They customize diet, exercise, and health activities for their body, objectives, and life the more they try and test. Use the 6-steps we teach our Level 1 certification students to embrace this process of finding out what works (often via useful failure):

1. Evaluate and collect data.

What are your client’s objectives, requirements, and abilities? To put it another way, who are they, what do they want, and what can they do? Any baseline measurements for variables you wish to monitor should be included.

2. Recognize and investigate.

Keep an open mind regarding your client’s history, narrative, and circumstance. Build their trust by getting to know them as a complete person. (As previously stated, talk like a “real expert.”)

3. Make a strategy and a plan.

Consider what may be the most effective solution for your customer (based on what you uncovered in steps 1 and 2). Then devise a strategy for testing that hypothesis.

4. Decide whatever activity you’d want to attempt.

Drawing from the plan you’ve drafted, give your client some options, then let them choose their next action. Make sure this action is meaningful to them, and that they feel confident about their ability to do it.

5. Keep an eye on things and keep track of what’s going on.

How good is your customer at doing the job? And how reliable is it? What do you and your customer learn from each other? Keep track of your client’s progress as well as any new information you discover about them.

6. Examine and assess.

Examine how things went, taking into account both triumphs and failures. (Remember, it’s all constructive criticism.) Return to step 3 after using what you learned in this step to select another action to help your client get closer to their goal. Colorful graphic representation of a 6-step coaching process that starts with planning and never ends. Our coaches ultimately reframe failure by embracing this never-ending step-by-step cycle. Instead of identifying errors or poor client outcomes as “I’m a terrible excuse for a coach,” they grow to think that “I need to fail in order to learn from my mistakes.”

Feel the fear—and then apply science to overcome it.

We want you to know that it’s quite acceptable to have doubts about yourself, particularly…
  • Throughout the early stages of your coaching career
  • while dealing with a difficult customer or circumstance
  • when you’re not sure whether your counsel will be effective
As a result, we’d like to leave you with two ideas. First and foremost, you do not need all of the answers. What you’ll need is a method for exposing future steps. This article’s five tools will help you do just that. You’ll always find what’s appropriate for each customer if you believe and use these science-based tools. Second, whether we like it or not, fear is a necessary component of this process.  Coach Jon Mills once advised a struggling rookie coach: “Fear is what makes a great coach, because if we had to be fearless to start anything new, we wouldn’t accomplish anything.”

If you’re a coach or wish to be one…

It’s both an art and a science to guide clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy food and lifestyle adjustments in a manner that’s tailored to their individual body, tastes, and circumstances. Consider the Level 1 Certification if you want to learn more about both. {“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I be a better nutrition coach?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” To be a good nutrition coach, you need to know how to cook and you should also have some experience with dieting.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do I coach my clients?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Coaching is a process where you help your clients improve their skills in a specific sport.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is a nutrition coach worth it?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Nutrition coaches are a great way to help you stay on track with your diet. They can also help you find new recipes and meal ideas that fit your needs.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be a better nutrition coach?

To be a good nutrition coach, you need to know how to cook and you should also have some experience with dieting.

How do I coach my clients?

Coaching is a process where you help your clients improve their skills in a specific sport.

Is a nutrition coach worth it?

Nutrition coaches are a great way to help you stay on track with your diet. They can also help you find new recipes and meal ideas that fit your needs.

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