Professor Tim Noakes is a South African cardiologist who specializes in treating patients with heart disease. In recent years, he has attracted controversy with his controversial views on the problems with carbohydrates. In a 2014 interview with The Daily Mail, he said: “It’s a very simple equation, basically.
You take carbohydrates out of your diet and you replace them with fat or protein. It’s that simple. That’s why I’m saying that carbohydrates are not food. They are poison, and if you eat carbohydrates you will get diabetes or obesity, or possibly both.
Tim Noakes is a South African cardiologist who has made headlines for his alternative approach to diet and health. He is also a world expert in the area of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). In his book “Lose Weight, Feel Great”, he laid out a controversial theory on how to lose weight without counting calories or burning a lot of fat.

According to Noakes, all this is based on the idea that the human body is primed to burn carbohydrates, not fat. Tim Noakes is a Professor of Exercise Science at the University of Cape Town and is the author of the bestselling book “Lose Weight, Stay Healthy: How I Finally Lost 10 Kilos in 21 Days”.
He is also a fitness consultant for many people looking to lose weight, control diabetes, and keep healthy. In this post, we will look at some of his best work, his theories on low-carb dieting, his views on fat, and his recommendations for exercise.
Professor Tim Noakes is Chairman of The Noakes Foundation and Emeritus Professor at the University of Cape Town. He is the co-author of The Real Meal Revolution and Raising Superheroes, both of which have a nutritional bent, as well as Lore of Running, which was just named the 9th Best Ever Book on Running.
Professor Tim Noakes is a world-renowned expert on the science of sport as well as an accomplished athlete in his own right. He has created important scientific ideas in sport over the course of a career of study that have not only changed the way top athletes and teams approach their professions, but have also challenged traditional worldwide thinking in these fields.
Noakes discusses everything from the illusions propagated by the sports-drink business to the risks of overtraining and overdrinking in his book Challenging Beliefs, as well as the presence of prohibited drugs and the need to make rugby a safer sport. He reveals why he has switched from a high-carb to a protein-rich diet in a new chapter, and he also reasons why the Springboks did not win the 2011 Rugby World Cup in a contentious addendum.
The teams and players with whom Noakes has collaborated provide a fascinating background to his athletic ideas, emphasizing the human significance of science in sport. This really extraordinary book exposes the ground-breaking ideas and concepts developed by one of the greatest brains in the history of sports science by giving an inside look at the golden threads running through Noakes’ life and work.
He and Marilyn Anne have been married for 39 years and have two children, Travis and Candice. Tim and rugby legend Morné du Plessis co-founded the Sports Science Institute of South Africa.
Professor Tim Noakes’ Twitter handle is @ProfTimNoakes, and his website is
Bibliography (selected)
The Art of Running (1986) Memoirs of a Career: Challenging Beliefs (2012) Waterlogged: Endurance Sports’ Serious Overhydration Problem (2012) The Revolution in Real Food (2014) Superheroes in the Making (2015)
When Tim Noakes achieved his PhD in South Africa in 1969, he had a simple dream: become a professor and continue research on the effects of diet on health. It would take more than 40 years before he achieved that dream, but the journey was full of unexpected twists and turns, and he delivered it with a passion and determination that few could match.. Read more about tim noakes new book and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Tim Noakes diet?
The Tim Noakes diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that was developed by Dr. Tim Noakes and is based on his research into the causes of obesity.
Is Tim Noakes a medical doctor?
Tim Noakes is a medical doctor.
What did Tim Noakes do?
Tim Noakes is a South African professor of exercise and sports science. He was accused of misconduct by the South African Health Professions Council for giving medical advice without proper qualifications.