When I was a kid, I had a way better version of a keto diet. I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and still lose weight. It was easy and I didn’t have to follow a complicated regimen. Over the years, I’ve tried all sorts of diets, but nothing has ever worked as well as I would have expected. I’ve lost and gained weight so many times. I’ve tried doing keto intermittently while I was working, but I had to stop when I got too busy. I’ve done keto while traveling, but it’s not practical to eat all my meals low carb. I’ve tried doing intermittent keto, but I still had to stop when I got too busy. ~~
While Matt was away for a few days, I cooked all of my meals! I started slow by just making one meal per week. I have been keto-adapted for over a year (except during the times when I was in the hospital). I love cooking for myself. I have been thinking about ways to make single-serve meals more convenient for my family. I was so excited to try out the new Oster CPK-700 Single Serve from Oster. It gives me the ability to make a single meal with just one push of a button.
Well, another week has come and gone for me. On top of that, I took a little trip to visit my dear friend Matt. Unfortunately with the time change, I didn’t get to sleep until late last night. This is my “me time” where I do house cleaning, laundry, and organize my closet and drawers for the week. I also make healthy meal plans for my upcoming week.
Megha took part in the game!
So, here’s a little secret for you… From our 5:30 a.m. workouts to preparing all of our meals together and going out with friends, Matt and I do everything together. We watch the same programs since we live together and go to bed together every night. The purpose of my telling you all of this is to emphasize how thrilling it was for me when Matt was gone. And I’m sure he’d feel the same way if I were missing for four days!
What Have I Done?
Apart from the obvious stuff like standing naked in front of the fridge, singing loudly, and dancing around with Miley in my arms, I also got to make a video for my family of Single Serve Keto Dinners! Setting up the lighting, calibrating the camera, and making sure I got all the correct angles was a lot of effort, but it was well worth it! It also encouraged me to treat myself and prepare meals that I had been wanting. To make things easy for everyone, I prepared a pound of grass-fed ground beef the first night Matthew was gone. On all three evenings, this served as the foundation for my single-serve dinners! Are you prepared to see what I’ve prepared for you?!?
Night One
On night one I went all out and made a single serve Cauliflower Mash Shepards Pie. I’d never had one before that night, but it was definitely in the top foods I’d been wanting to try. Luckily, it was a quick put together because I got home late and I was ready to chow down!! I opted to use celery and carrots in my meat portion and keep the cauliflower mash simple with some salt and pepper. The best part about this meal is that you can add anything you want to enhance the meat – peas, onions, corn, squash – which means you can use whatever you have in your fridge! Is something about to go bad? Throw it in. Did you find something you forgot you had in there? Throw it in. You don’t have time to grocery shop? Throw in whatever you have in the fridge! See what I mean? Before I put it in the oven I topped it with cheddar cheese (you can use any cheese you like!) and baked it in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Doesn’t it look delicious??
Night Two
On night two, I arrived home late and tired, so I decided to prepare a fast and easy meal. I was fortunate in that I had already prepared all of the meat and just needed to reheat it. The lettuce wrap tacos I prepared were not only simple to make, but they were also flavorful and precisely fit into my daily macros! They also photograph beautifully, which is a bonus.
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The third night
Fridays I work half days so not only did I have all the time I needed to cook a lovely, final, single serve keto dinner for myself, but I could enjoy it all with some wine! And, to be honest, before I got home I knew what was on the menu because the night before as I was browsing Pinterest I saw a picture of spaghetti and I was SOLD!. We always have Shirataki noodles in our fridge and I hadn’t used them in a while so I thought how perfect! They are very low carb and low calorie, and if cooked properly they taste great! I used the rest of the prepped beef and combined it with tomato paste and cream cheese. Once it was all combined I added some water to make the meat more of a meat sauce. After drying the noodles and heating them in a pan I topped them with the ground beef and had a lovely single serve pasta dinner! So there you guys have it – my Single Serve Keto Dinners while Matt was away! Thanks so much for keeping me company and I hope you enjoy making these meals for yourself
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As we have discussed many times, low carb is not just a diet. It’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes low carb meals.. Read more about light keto dinner and let us know what you think.
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- keto recipes dinner
- easy keto recipes
- light keto dinner
- keto recipes
- keto dinner ideas