The holidays are coming soon, and for many people, they are the busiest time of the year. If you are not in a festive mood, I have bad news for you: holiday weight gain is a real thing that happens every year. Everyone puts on a few pounds around the holidays and then by the time they are back to their normal routine, they have gained more than they had intended.
Millions of people across the country will be setting their sights on food halls and buffets over the Holiday season, and if you are looking to lose weight or just maintain your new year’s resolution, you need to read this. There are so many different fitness and nutrition programs out there, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which is right for you. To make this easier for you, we have compiled some of the most powerful techniques that have been proven to help you stick to your resolutions.
There is nothing like the holidays to make you realize how far behind you are on the holiday diet and fitness plan. You came into the new year with great intentions, but now you find yourself with only two weeks until Christmas, and it feels like you have been up drinking eggnog and eating cookies all day.. Read more about precision nutrition exercise and let us know what you think.
Decorating for the holidays, gift wrapping, enormous dinners, and particular rituals… Year-end routine disruptors can make it seem as though skipping exercises, snacking, and gaining weight is unavoidable. The good news is that they aren’t required to be.
That’s why I put this Holiday Survival Guide together.
It’s jam-packed with the strategies we use to assist Coaching clients prioritize health, fitness, and nutrition no matter what life throws at us, even the holidays.
It is possible to live a quiet and collected life.
It can also be hectic and stressful (oh hey, 2023).
The latter is nearly always present during the Christmas season.
Indeed, my wife and I have four small children — though it often sounds like 97 — as well as large extended families that like to visit for the holidays (in non-pandemic periods).
You should come view our place.
There are boxes of decorations to hang, bits of craft projects strewn around the house, groceries to put away, meals to make and eat, towels to wash, and some very enthusiastic children to bathe and tuck in for the night.
It’s a lot of fun, and it forces us to change our diet and activity habits.
Nonetheless, we’ve gotten very adept at eating and exercising however we want, even over the holidays, over the years.
(Of course, there are some changes.) And, don’t worry, there will be plenty of Christmas cookies.)
I’ve shared these tips with our Coaching clients to assist them get the most out of their holiday seasons in terms of health and fitness, as well as fun and joy.
I’m excited to share this “Holiday Survival Guide” with you today.
We often suggest that your eating and fitness strategies should be tailored to your busiest days, not just the easiest or most perfect ones.
So, during the Christmas season, utilize these five free, printable infographics (plus one short text) to eat and move more mindfully. No matter how hectic your days are, I assure you’ll feel strong, confident, and in command.
Holiday Survival Tool #1 Article: Eat slowly and to the point of being “satisfied” rather than “full.”
The most effective (and sanity-preserving) holiday eating strategy may also be the most basic: eat slowly. (And instead of “stuffed,” end at “satisfied.”)
For two key reasons, this method assists you in avoiding overeating:
- Physiological It takes 15-20 minutes for your digestive system to send a signal to your brain that you’re full. Slowing down a meal allows you to accomplish this before overeating.
- Psychological Slowing down, “sensing into,” and savoring your food allows you to be content with far less. This means you’ll eat less calories yet enjoy your meals more.
Indeed, if you eat slowly (and stop when you’re pleased rather than stuffed), you may enjoy all of Grandma’s delectable meals without feeling guilty or having to “work it off later.”
Check read our comprehensive post on the topic, All about eating slowly, for more information on how (and why) to eat gently during holiday food fests.
Infographic: How to Stay in Shape When You’re Busy (Holiday Survival Tool #2)
One of the most prevalent themes we find among new Coaching customers is that people who want to get (or stay) fit may exercise religiously for months, only to be derailed by the holidays and “fall off the wagon” for the entire year.
That’s why we created this simple workout that you can do wherever you are during the holidays.
This plan takes only a few minutes per day, requires little to no equipment, and concentrates on compound exercise (large muscles, large motions), making it ideal for times you need a decent workout but don’t have a lot of time.
Check out How to Stay in Shape When You’re Busy [Infographic] for simple, efficient workouts this holiday season.
Holiday Survival Tool #3: Eating Well on the Go Infographic
Most people are bouncing around more than normal around the end of the year, between errands, tasks, and special rituals.
It can feel like navigating a nutritional minefield when you’re on the go: strong hunger signals, junk food all around you, and little time to sit down and eat your veggies.
Of course, it will be difficult, but not impossible. You can eat properly on the go with the right tactics, no matter where your life takes you.
Check out 25 strategies to eat properly on the go [Infographic] to understand how to keep good eating habits while running around this holiday season.
Infographic: How (and why) to Make the Perfect Super Shake (Holiday Survival Tool #4)
What is a Super Shake, exactly? It’s a nutrient-dense, tasty liquid meal that you can make and consume while assisting a 4-year-old with gluing googly eyes to felt reindeer.
Allowing yourself to become overly hungry is one of the most common ways to wind up overdrinking and overeating. Moreover, you may not always have the time to prepare a well-balanced dish of protein, vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats during the holidays.
Super Shakes are both gratifying and nourishing because they contain all four. They’re also quite simple to produce.
Check out How (and why) to Make the Perfect Super Shake [Infographic] for quick, healthful, full, multitasking-friendly liquid meals.
Infographic: The Best Calorie Control Guide (Holiday Survival Tool #5) 
Do you want to make it through the holidays without feeling drained? Without putting on weight or increasing body fat? All of this is conceivable.
Sure, with all that calorie-dense food in front of you, it’ll be difficult. However, if you eat carefully and pay attention to amounts, your health can withstand another year of Mom’s mostly-butter mashed potatoes and Aunt Marie’s pumpkin bourbon cheesecake.
No, no… Calorie counting is not one of them. Especially at Christmas dinner, this is irritating, impractical, and untrue. Instead, try our “hand measure” method.
Check out The finest calorie control guide [Infographic] to understand how to use your hands to measure the optimal quantities for you.
Infographic: 3 Steps for Preparing (and Loving) Your Vegetables (Holiday Survival Tool #6)
Another good way to avoid gaining weight and body fat over the holidays is to exercise. Vegetables should be consumed in large quantities. They’re nutrient-dense, water-dense, and low in calories, so they’ll keep your energy and mood up for holiday party #17.
The only issue? Many people dislike the taste of vegetables, especially when compared to the highly delicious holiday fare.
That’s why we enlisted the help of our top chefs to devise a simple three-step method for preparing nutritious vegetables in a style that’s delectable enough for a banquet table. Even the most adamant anti-vegetarians have been convinced by them.
Check out these 3 steps for prepping (and loving) your veggies [Infographic] if you want to cook a lot of nutritious, delicious veggies this season.
Do you want to be the healthiest, fittest, and strongest version of yourself?
Most people are aware that getting enough exercise, eating well, sleeping well, and managing stress are all vital for looking and feeling better. However, they require assistance in putting that information into practice in the context of their hectic, sometimes stressful lives.
Over the last 15 years, we’ve used the Coaching technique to assist over 100,000 people lose weight, gain strength, and improve their health… for the long haul… no matter what obstacles they face.
It’s also why, through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs, we teach health, fitness, and wellness professionals how to coach their own clients through similar issues.
Interested in becoming a coach? Join the presale list to save up to 54% and get a spot 24 hours before the general public.
On Wednesday, July 14th, 2023, we will be accepting applications for our upcoming Coaching.
If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, I recommend signing up for our presale list below. Being on the list provides you with two distinct benefits.
- You’ll get a better deal than everyone else. We like to reward the folks that are the most enthusiastic and motivated since they always make the best customers. If you join the presale list, you’ll save up to 54% off the general public pricing, the lowest we’ve ever offered.
- You’ll have a better chance of getting a spot. We only open the program twice a year to ensure that clients receive the special care and attention they need. We sold out in minutes the last time we started registration. By signing up for the presale list, you’ll be able to register 24 hours before the general public, enhancing your chances of getting in.
This is your chance to transform your body and your life with the guidance of the world’s greatest instructors.
[Note: If you currently have your health and fitness under control but want to help others, look into our Level 1 Certification program.]
Although you may want to skip the party this year, there is no need to skip the gym! The party season is a great time to meet new people, but it also makes it harder to stick to your fitness goals. In this post, we will give you 6 proven ways to keep your weight loss plan on track while attending parties and throwing a few parties of your own!. Read more about precision nutrition quick workout and let us know what you think.
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