3 Diet Experiments That Can Change Your Eating Habits—and Your Body | 3

For those looking for a quick weight loss fix, drastic diet changes can often be a quick way to shed body fat. But there are some alternatives to quick-fix diets that you may not have heard of yet.

Looking for quick diet hacks? If so, then have a look at my list of 3 seemingly simple diet experiments. They are easy to do, and can change the way you eat forever.

Is dieting just a matter of what you’re eating or how you eat? The truth is, our eating habits are created by a combination of many factors—from our environment to our genes. For some people, it may be a matter of simply changing their environment and food choices. This can be accomplished by living a healthier lifestyle, eating a more plant-based diet, or simply swapping out an unhealthy snack for something healthier.. Read more about precision nutrition diet and let us know what you think.

Dominic Matteo felt he knew how to improve his condition when his weight hit almost 300 pounds: just quit eating chips, ice cream, and other highly processed foods.

He told himself, “I’ll be OK.”

Then he saw the ice cream in the freezer and thought to himself, “All I need is a scoop.” Matteo wondered to himself as he stared at the empty jar, “Why am I so weak?”

But it wasn’t Matteo’s will that was the issue; it was his cooking. It was overflowing with unhealthy and appealing meals and in in need of repair.

Here’s the thing: Matteo didn’t think it was feasible to renovate the kitchen at the time. It seemed to be much too simple.

But he gave it his all and dropped almost 100 pounds as a result.

Matteo, who is now a Level 2 Master Class trainer, believes he would not have gotten there if he hadn’t had that experience. It’s all about self-awareness and self-awareness.

Experiments are often used in the business sector to assist customers uncover crucial signals about what they actually need (and don’t need) to accomplish their objectives. These experiences are an effective tool for removing restrictive and frequently erroneous assumptions that obstruct long-term habit modification.

Three of our greatest life-changing events are described in this essay. Try it out for yourself (or use it with a client). Even if the experiences seem to be too simple to accomplish, what you learn may help you conquer the most difficult challenges.

Limiting belief #1: I could quit eating so many bad foods if I had enough willpower.

Many of us, including Matteo, believe that willpower is something you either have or don’t have.

So we blame ourselves for being weak when we eat our second (or third… or fourth… or fifth) chocolate chip cookie.

Portion control and healthy food choices, on the other hand, are more dependent on the environment than on desire and willpower. You’ll see what we mean if you do this experiment.

Repairs in the kitchen are a good place to start.

Clean your refrigerator, pantry, freezer, and other storage spaces with this two-step procedure. That way, you’ll notice that certain meals are considerably more difficult to consume than others.

Step 1: Make a list of everything you want to do.

Determine whether goods for you have a red, yellow, or green light.

However, be aware that we do not think that excellent and poor goods are universal. For each, the red, yellow, and green lists are distinct.

Here’s how to figure out what yours is:

Products that emit a red light are not permitted. These are goods that are so difficult for you to work with that it is just not worth it. Because of this, products with a red light may not be appropriate for you.

  • They don’t assist you in achieving your objectives.
  • You’re constantly overeating.
  • You can’t eat it because you’re allergic to it.
  • They have a hard time digesting them.
  • It’s simply that you don’t like them.

Foods that have been ultra-processed often fall under this category.

Products that emit yellow light are fire-retardant. You can eat it while standing, or you can eat it at a restaurant with several people, but not at home alone.

Food with a green light may be eaten at any time. They’re filling and make your body and mind feel great. You may consume them as you usually would, slowly and in moderation. The majority of this list is typically made up of whole foods.

Do you want to live with other people? Try these tried-and-true methods.

What if your spouse or children like the meal you’re trying to avoid?

In Matteo’s case, he found himself in such a predicament. Here’s what he’s proposing.

It’s something to talk about. Explain why you want to alter something and what you want to change. You may say it: I’m in desperate need of your assistance. I won’t be able to accomplish it on my own.

Begin with modest steps. Instead of eliminating or decreasing all red foods at once, focus on a few items at a time.

Compromise. Instead of buying half-litre ice cream tubs, the Matteo family now purchases eight disposable cups, which is enough for each family member to have two disposable desserts each week.

Put it somewhere where it won’t be seen. Make red light items as difficult to obtain as possible if you must keep them inside. Chips, for example, may be kept on a shelf in the basement rather than in the kitchen. One of Matteo’s customers requested his wife to store the sweets in a safe that only she knew the combination to.

Cleaning is the second step.

You’ll probably need a big trash bag (or many!) and, if you have one, a compost container.

First and foremost, stay away from red light goods. Donate unopened, non-perishable, and past-date food to charity if you don’t want to waste food. What you can’t give away, compost.

Also, remember that overeating is just as wasteful as wasting food since your body doesn’t need those calories. You may also discover, like Matteo, that cleaning the kitchen saves you money over time because you avoid purchasing specific items.

The goods that emit yellow light must then be handled. There are a number of options. You may keep them stored, in lesser amounts to avoid overeating, or in a difficult-to-reach location (for example, on a high shelf in an opaque container).

Finally, retain the items for which you have granted your approval. Place these items in a prominent location where they will be simple to reach and consume.

You may, for example, make the mix yourself and store it at the front of the pantry where it will be seen the most. Peel a few oranges and keep them at the front of the fridge for quick snacking when you’re feeling sluggish. Perhaps you have a half-dozen hard-boiled eggs on hand.

A word of caution: Don’t purchase too many new green items, particularly veggies, since they are prone to spoil quickly (unlike most red and yellow foods you replace). Remember that you may start small and grow from there.

Step 3: Make a recording.

Pay attention to what occurs the next time you want red or yellow food. Is anything on your green light list being crossed off because it’s there in front of you? Or do you go to the shop to get the items you require? Or… since it’s too much effort, you decide not to eat at all?

Lesson: It’s tough to eat properly in your current surroundings.

Matteo claims that understanding how the environment affects your choices helps you to behave more successfully.

The first Berardi law (named after our co-founder John Berardi, PhD) is as follows:

If you have the product in your house or possession, you, someone you love, or someone you have a low tolerance for will consume it at some point.

The following is a logical consequence of this law:

If you have nutritious food in your house or belongings, you, someone you care about, or someone with whom you have little patience will consume it eventually.

This is why depending on willpower or drive to achieve your goals is a bad idea. You still wind yourself selecting the simpler meal choices, no matter how strong your resolve is, particularly when you’re fatigued. Alternatively, you may be stressed. Alternatively, insatiable.

It’s much simpler to select green meals after you’ve eliminated red items – it requires virtually no willpower.

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Limiting belief #2: I can’t lose weight even if I eat practically nothing.

This sensation may be very aggravating and perplexing. It may even deter individuals from attempting to improve their health.

The concept of energy balance, however, applies in all cases:

You gain weight when you consume more calories (energy) than you expend. And you lose weight when you consume less calories than you consume. (Of course, this sounds a lot simpler than it is.)

So, what exactly is it? We’ll have to wait and see.

Try this: Keep track of everything you consume for a week.

Simply keep track of what you consume each day of the week.

Yes, yes, yes. You’ve undoubtedly heard this advise hundreds of times before.

But are you sure you did it? Write them down (rather than counting them in your head)?

Is it for each and every meal and snack?

Is it every day?

Is it really a week?

If not, give it a go. It’s really a lot simpler than it seems. You may keep track of your calories by writing them down in a notebook, using an app like MyFitnessPal, or just taking a photo of everything you eat.

Ensure that everything you eat and drink is declared. Remember to record the quantity of milk and sugar in your coffee, as well as the salad dressing and the potato (or is it eight?) you took from your child’s plate.

(Please note that if you dislike this technique, we do not suggest utilizing it on a regular basis.) This is only a one-time experiment).

As if you were a scientist, take these notes. This isn’t meant to make you feel bad about your eating habits. It’s just a matter of noticing them. To yourself, be gentle, inquisitive, and empathetic.

Try to complete this on a regular week with no big events, and don’t alter your usual eating habits simply to maintain a record.

At the conclusion of the week, take a look at your calendar. Is it the same as the quantity you anticipate you’ll eat?

Lesson: It’s both simple and amazing to undervalue your food intake.

People underestimate their food intake by approximately 47% on average, according to studies, for a number of reasonable reasons.

For starters, thoughtless munching may be just as forgettable as putting the vehicle keys away.

Second, there are numerous things that individuals can accomplish, but one of them is estimating portion sizes. We aren’t always aware of the calorie content of some items (hello, peanut butter), so we err on the side of caution. (I just ate around five chips, not a third of a bag, right?)

The most essential thing is that it be authentic. This is something that occurs to a lot of individuals, even dietitians.

That’s why, at least for a time, many individuals have to monitor their meals in some way – calorie counting, macros, or portions – to figure out what and how much they consume. We utilize hand portions in PN to help consumers evaluate meals and quantities more accurately. (With this technique alone, we’ve seen amazing results.)

Enter your objectives and personal information if you haven’t already done so in our nutrition calculator. You’ll learn how much you should consume, how to portion your hands correctly, and all you need to know about how they function.

You may eat in a manner that helps you lose weight easily if you combine this strategy with mindful eating techniques like eating slowly and reaching 80 percent satiety.

There are three additional experiments you may attempt.

Do you wish to learn more about yourself in the future? To continue collecting information, try the steps below.

Experiment by eating just sugar packets (pure sugar) throughout the day. (Wishing you luck!)

What it means: Sugar may not be a problem food for you in and of itself. Continue reading: The majority of individuals did not overindulge in sugar. On the contrary, it is dependent on the sugar’s composition. It may be fine if it’s in fruit, yogurt, or even ketchup, but it’s not safe if it’s in your favorite foods like cookies, chocolate, or ice cream.

Experiment by eating slowly every day for a month and extending the length of each meal. (Begin by taking a pause between bites.)

What it means: You’ll find that you’ll feel satisfied sooner and eat less as a result. Slow eating may also induce pain, the same sort of discomfort you’ve been concealing with food.

Experiment: Use the information in this article to create a healthy breakfast.

What it demonstrates: You don’t have to launch a full-scale attack to get results. Can cold cereals be used in place of oatmeal? Is it possible for me to consume fruit instead of hash browns? Could you try eggs on a bed of veggies instead of a bagel? It’s not only about trading food; it’s also about considering what you’ll have for supper. Small, regular adjustments prepare the path for long-term behaviors.

Limiting Belief #3: I really despise being hungry.

Hunger may take various forms: it can be irritating, uncomfortable, or upsetting…..

Something isn’t quite right: it’s such a severe issue that it’s best to avoid it at all costs.

The issue is that hunger seems to be a major concern. Hunger seemed to be an emergency for several of our customers. They are afraid that if they do not eat today, their hunger will worsen till they die.

Or at least would want to.


As a result, many individuals eat as soon as they experience physical or emotional discomfort. This often implies that individuals eat more calories than they need, resulting in weight gain (or prevents fat loss). They also go for the first thing they come upon (see experiment 1).

But what if you can’t eat right away to satisfy your hunger? We’ll have to wait and see.

Try going without food for a day.

We understand how intimidating this may be. I assure you that nothing terrible will occur.

This experience, which we lovingly refer to as a “day of fasting,” is included in our one-year coaching program. Our coaching clients have informed us throughout the years that this was one of the most remarkable days of the program.

It works like this: don’t eat anything for the next 24 hours.

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

Water, flavored water, unsweetened tea, or normal coffee are all calorie-free beverages. Beyond that, stay away from any high-calorie meals and beverages.

Of course, in the long term, this is not a good idea. It’ll just be for one day.

And it may be the most difficult and depressing day in a long time.

Important safety precautions:

This may be done whenever it is convenient for you. You may fast from lunch to supper or from breakfast to dinner, for example. If a 24-hour period seems excessive, just miss one or two meals. It’s not about doing everything right the first time. This should go without saying, but you shouldn’t do it on a day when you need to be at your best, like a game day. B. if you’re flying or going through open heart surgery.

Not everyone is suited to fasting. If you’re going to fast, don’t.

  • You have an illness that requires you to consume food.
  • When it comes to eating problems, I’ve been advised that I should never fast.
  • Be aware that, even if done properly and deliberately, periods of food restriction may lead to overeating later.

The moral of the story is that hunger is not an emergency.

It’s normal to be concerned that hunger will worsen, making us miserable and preventing us from doing anything useful.

Hunger, on the other hand, does not operate that way.

Depending on when our bodies anticipate meals, hunger hormones are produced in waves.


Hunger is at its peak after three to four hours of fasting, as you will observe throughout this experiment. She then becomes deafeningly quiet.

Knowing that you may be hungry – truly hungry – and opt not to do anything is an amazing sensation (and frequently a tremendous relief).

This has a number of benefits:

  • Advantage 1: You can wait till something better comes on the market if you don’t like the variety of goods offered. That’s OK.
  • Advantage 2: You will come to understand what true hunger is. This awareness may assist you in distinguishing between psychological hunger (I want to eat something) and physiological hunger (my body is signaling to me that it’s time to eat).
  • Advantage 3: If it is not yet time to eat, it does not seem that waiting for the next meal or snack will be a problem. This is not only beneficial when hunger takes you out of reach (for example, on the road), but it may also help you lose weight.

Continue to develop and explore.

You can probably guess why we’re strong proponents of self-experimentation: It’s a win-win scenario in every sense of the word. You’ll either receive a boost of confidence and confirmation that you’re on the right road, or you’ll learn how to make a difference.

You may give yourself the power and energy to make better and more informed choices by just paying attention to how you feel when you encounter.

It’s also important to remember that self-experimentation isn’t about attaining perfection. It’s all about figuring out what works for you and implementing it one step at a time.

If you’re a trainer or wish to be one,

It’s both an art and a science to educate customers, patients, friends, and family members to eat healthily and adjust their lifestyles to their bodies, preferences, and situations.

Consider Level 1 certification if you want to learn more about both.

Once you understand that what you eat is really about what you do and how you feel, you can start experimenting with making healthier choices. Here are 3 simple diet experiments that you can do today to help you lose weight.. Read more about tough nutrition questions and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 3 diet related health conditions?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The following are some diet related health conditions.

1) Diet-Induced Hypertension
2) Diabetes Mellitus
3) Hyperlipidemia”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 3 diets you should avoid?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The 3 diets you should avoid are the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, and the Master Cleanse.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are three ways you could change your eating habits for the better?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

I could stop eating meat, I could eat more vegetables, and I could start exercising.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are 3 diet related health conditions?

The following are some diet related health conditions. 1) Diet-Induced Hypertension 2) Diabetes Mellitus 3) Hyperlipidemia

What are 3 diets you should avoid?

The 3 diets you should avoid are the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, and the Master Cleanse.

What are three ways you could change your eating habits for the better?

I could stop eating meat, I could eat more vegetables, and I could start exercising.

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