Although Richard Scott – also referred to as Rick Scott – started his career as a businessman, working across various industries, he is currently a representative of Florida in the United States Senate. He has been in the world of politics for quite some time and if you want to learn more about it, you’re lucky since we’ve prepared a timeline of his political career. So, let’s take a look at where he started and where he currently is:
1. His Political Career Started in 2009

The first thing you should know is that he has been connected to other politicians – including George W. Bush – in the past, however, it can be said that his political career started in 2009. In February of the same year, Scott founded CPR, an organization that was meant to put pressure on the Democrats in order to pass legislation that would improve health care in the nation. In March, he did give approximately $5 million dollars for the campaign.
2. He Ran For Governor in 2010
In 2010, Scot has revealed that he is running for the 2010 elections for governor of Florida where he ran against Alex Sink. On May 7th, it was rumored that Rick has spent close to $5 million on TV and radio ads, with the first one being released on YouTube. During the August primary, Rick won with 47%, and later that year, he has defeated Alex Sink by more than 68.000 votes. He then took office as the governor of Florida in 2011.
3. He Ran For Reelections in 2014

In 2011, Rick has already decided that he would participate in the reelections in 2014. In June 2014, he has already spent over $10 million on his ads. However, this campaign wasn’t successful, mostly because the former governor Charlie Crist had favorable ratings, while Rick’s ratings didn’t improve. In November 2014, Rick along with Carlos Lopez won the general elections by 64.000 votes.
4. He Endorsed Donald Trump in 2016
In the 2016 primaries, Rick has endorsed former President Donald Trump. Unlike some other popular politician from the Republican party, Rick has praised Donald Trumps as an individual that is tough on terrorism. However, when the controversial tape revolving around Donald Trump and his acts towards women were revealed, Scott quickly rebuked Trump by saying that he isn’t following politics closely, but that he doesn’t agree with what then-president Trump said.
5. There Were a Lot of Scandals During 2017

Rick is known for digging up dirt on his rivals, which is why he has constantly paid his consultant Joshua Cooper to do just that throughout his career. In 2017, his consultant was photographed in an unfortunate angle and he has denied that he has intentionally done what the picture depicts. Although the Scott Cooper Florida scandal circulated in the media for quite some time, they have managed to overcome it.
Rick Scott has been an American political for a really long time, hence, the timeline we mentioned above is even bigger than you think. Hence, if you want to learn more about him, don’t lose any more time, instead, do some digging online and discover what other things he has done and dealt with in the past.