Wouldn’t you agree that gambling is definitely addictive? How does it differ from other addictions like alcohol or drugs? Gamblers often gamble away large amounts of money without having anything left over after they pay off their debts. They might even borrow money from loan sharks to cover their losses. Gambling also causes several psychological problems like depression, anxiety, stress, etc. You’ve seen addicts hit rock bottom before. They’re always asking their friends for help, only to fall deeper into a cycle of addiction. How do you get them out of the pit?
Addiction is defined as compulsive behavior where a person experiences physiological withdrawal symptoms or distress upon attempting to stop using a substance or engage in other addictive behaviors. A gambling addict has uncontrollable urges to gamble despite having negative consequences. When someone becomes addicted, they often experience emotional pain (e.g., anxiety, stress), financial problems (losses), health problems (physical and psychological), and family/social issues. Gambling addiction is also associated with an increased risk of suicide attempts as well as mental and physical disorders such as depression, obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and premature death.
To treat gambling addiction effectively, we need to address both the person and his environment. The first step is to recognize that these individuals are suffering from a problem. That’s why treatment programs should include assessments of their personal history, current situation, and family dynamics. This allows us to identify triggers for relapse and develop appropriate interventions. As part of treatment, we often provide cognitive behavioral therapy that teaches the individual new ways to cope with cravings and reduce feelings of shame and guilt. Once he is ready, patients can return to a normal life.
Gambling is a dangerous habit that affects many people, including celebrities and pro athletes. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, 1 out of 5 adults has some sort of problem with gambling. People who suffer from gambling addiction often do not realize they are addicted until they start having problems in their lives that were going well before. If you want to help a friend or relative overcome their addiction there are several ways or steps to do it, and they are the following:
1. Keep them busy.

You may want to keep your loved ones busy at home so they won’t have time to go gambling. But don’t let them become bored. Find something else for them to do.
2. Try talking to them about their problem.
If possible, try not to make fun of them if they gamble. Instead of saying things like “You’re crazy”, say “I think you need some help.” And remember – you are just trying to get them to understand what they are doing could hurt themselves.
3. Don’t put pressure on them.
If someone starts going to casinos regularly, there’s no way you should force them to stop. Just try to help them find alternatives. For example, a good alternative would be to recommend that they try an online casino where they could use their signup bonuses instead of gambling with real money. Transitioning from real to online casinos will eventually reduce their desire to spend their free time in a traditional casino. We know the right website where this change for the better can begin, and that is https://www.australianonlinecasinosites.com/.
4. Offer financial assistance.

Whether they earn money from work or even from family members, offer to pay for your loved one to go to the casino instead of spending the money himself. Make sure he knows that if he wins, he’ll only win back his own money. There’s no point losing both ways.
5. Be patient.
When we love someone, we tend to overlook their faults. We often try to change our loved ones’ bad habits. That’s natural. However, sometimes we have to accept how they act. That doesn’t mean you have to give up. You can still guide him towards the right path. For example, you might tell your friend to quit gambling because she wants to save money. Or maybe you’d ask her to set a budget first before spending any money. These are little steps to help your friend avoid being sucked into gambling again.
6. Listen to them carefully.
Often times when people are addicted to gambling, they have problems communicating properly. Therefore, you cannot really know their true intentions. You might hear things from friends who are looking out for their interests. However, trust yourself and listen to them carefully. If they seem downbeat, depressed, or overly excited, chances are they are getting involved in gambling again.
7. Talk to them.

Ask them questions regarding their gambling addiction, especially whether or not they feel guilty after playing. Let them explain what happened last time they went gambling. And then talk to them about different methods to deal with their problem. Maybe they would appreciate advice from someone who understands. After all, a gambler isn’t always a good listener either.
8. Understand their condition.
People who gamble are often affected emotionally. If you take care of yourself and mind your emotions, you can easily relate to them. So instead of judging them, try understanding where they come from. In fact, you might even share stories of your past experiences. By sharing your story, you show respect and sympathy for them.
9. Have faith.
Sometimes, you might lose patience with your loved one. But if you have faith, you can help him overcome his problem. Believe in God and His power to heal. Trust that He’ll eventually lead your loved one to recovery.
10. Stay strong.

As much as possible, try to stay calm and relaxed while dealing with your loved one. Being angry or impatient isn’t helpful. It won’t help you solve anything anyway. Focus on positive things like having fun together, making plans to spend quality time together, and many others.
Gambling is an addictive behavior.
No matter how hard you try to stop it, you will fail at some point. The best thing you can do is be there for your loved one during this difficult period. Try to understand why he does it and what makes him want to play. Then, you can find ways to support him without encouraging him to continue.